«Today the gap between North and South is already a reality, with the new law the aim is to reduce the gap by identifying the LEPs and the resources to guarantee them» – AndriaLive.it

Differentiated autonomy is state law, it only awaits Mattarella’s signature and publication in the Official Journal. After the Senate’s yes vote last January, the green light also arrived from Montecitorio on Wednesday 19 June, with 172 votes in favour, 99 against and one abstention. The Hon Mariangela Matera of FdI comments thus: «A year and a half ago we were elected to change Italy on the basis of a clear program which also included the completion of the process of differentiated autonomy, which it is worth remembering began with the D’Alema government, but neither the PD nor the 5 Star Movement have completed it, but are now crying wolf without being the bearers of a single idea in Parliament on how to implement the autonomy that is foreseen in our Constitution – so the parliamentarian FdIthe Hon. Mariangela Matera – .

A large field without ideas, but which remains united only against Giorgia Meloni, is scaring Italians and especially southerners, waving the fear of Italy divided in two and with an ever wider gap between North and South. But to the people of Puglia and my fellow citizens I would like to ask just one question: but today, when Autonomy does not exist, are the services, especially health services, that we have excellent? We are the province with the fewest beds and with a new hospital that who knows if it will ever be built, but in the meantime it has caused, for years, the closure of those in Trani, Canosa di Puglia, Minervino Murge and Spinazzola. Among those who argue is there someone who today can? affirm that there isn’t already the gap between North and South that the center-left hypothesizes in the future?

It is clear that the new law not only does not break anything, but rather aims to reduce that gap through not only the identification of the LEP (essential performance levels), but also the resources to guarantee them, that is to say that further funds will arrive in the South and we will need rulers capable of spending it well, in short, a political class different from that of today.

So if LEPs are not identified, nothing will be done about them. For this reason, I am convinced that many of those who argue do not know the new regulatory text and therefore it is appropriate to reassure everyone that the Government, within 24 months of the entry into force of the law approved today, will have to pass one or more legislative decrees to determine levels and LEP amounts. The transfer of functions from State to Region will be possible only after the determination of the LEP and within the limits of the resources made available in the budget law. A control room of the national government will have to carry out periodic reconnaissance of the regulatory framework in relation to each administrative function of the state and of the ordinary regions and identify subjects or areas of subjects relating to the LEP on civil and social rights which must be guaranteed in the same way throughout the National territory”.

Thursday 20 June 2024


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