Ztl in Udine, the Municipality launches the changes. Confcommercio’s doubts

Ztl in Udine, the Municipality launches the changes. Confcommercio’s doubts
Ztl in Udine, the Municipality launches the changes. Confcommercio’s doubts


More time for loading and unloading, extended entry and stay times, discounts for artisans, residents and delivery, simplification of procedures. These in summary are the changes made by the municipal administration of Udine to the regulations that regulate the pedestrian and limited traffic areas of the city.
The councilor for Mobility Ivano Marchiol and the deputy mayor of Udine Alessandro Venanzi illustrated the news on the Ztl front to representatives of associations, economic categories and institutions during a meeting at Palazzo D’Aronco.
The regulations have been updated and integrated, facilitating some categories, commercial activities and those with specific problems. In particular, the loading and unloading times have been extended by half an hour in the afternoon, from 2.30pm to 4.30pm, and access has been simplified for residents, artisans, deliveries and deliveries.
“We have tried to meet the requests of those who work in the city, simplifying permits and extending opening hours for proven needs” explained the Deputy Mayor Alessandro Venanzi, announcing that a second moment of discussion will take place after the summer, with the the objective is to arrive at a shared version of the specifications, and then activate the cameras at the gates.
“I want to dispel once and for all the idea that many, even instrumentally, imply, that ours is an ideological fight against cars” said Ivano Marchiol, Councilor for Mobility. “Our objective is instead to allow access to cars when there is an actual need and not in an indiscriminate manner”.
“We appreciate that the Municipality has implemented most of the observations we had made to the administration so as not to further penalize businesses and public establishments – comments the provincial vice-president of Confcommercio Udine Fabio Passon. However, we remain opposed – he added – to the current perimeter, with a larger ZTL than the previous one”.

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