«This year numbers never seen before» – Ambient&Ambienti

The artistic coordinator of the event organized by Puglia Sounds was satisfied. With him, a chat about the role of music and AI in this sector. Veronica: “Medimex 2024? Futuristic, energetic and innovative”

Taranto once again the capital of international music. The 14th edition of the Medimexthe branded festival “Puglia Sounds” – the Puglia Region program for the development of the music system, implemented in synergy with the Puglia Public Theatre – And organized in collaboration with the regional department for youth policieswith the support of SIAE (Italian Society of Authors and Publishers) and the contribution of Raffo beer.
The event, from Wednesday 19th to Sunday 23rd June, will bring the right rhythm to the city of the two seas, thanks to its five days entirely dedicated to music. A topic to be x-rayed through concerts, meetings and debates, this year focused above all on the advent ofArtificial intelligence. An unmissable opportunity to learn, meet, experiment and listen.
The program is rich and worth experiencing, which will culminate with the eagerly awaited concerts of the weekend, at Seafront roundabout: protagonists of the evening Saturday 22 June they will be i The Smilethe group of Thom Yorke and Jonny Greenwood from Radiohead with Tom Skinner; Sunday 23instead, double emotion with i The Jesus and Mary Chain (cult band of the Eighties, which this year celebrates 40 years of activity) and, to follow, the Pulp (iconic band of the English scene).
We interviewed Cesare Veronico, Artistic Coordinator of Puglia Sounds and Medimexfocusing on the role of music and Artificial Intelligence in the relevant panorama, as well as, naturally, on the innovations expected in the context of the International Festival & Music Conference now about to start.

Veronica: “It has always been the record companies who have directed the market”

Cesare Veronico, artistic coordinator of Medimex and Puglia Sounds

Veronico, as a professional and long-time observer in this sector, how do you think international and Italian music in particular has changed over the years?

«It has changed a lot, especially in the general approach dictated by record companies, which favor certain styles from time to time. Styles considered more interesting by listeners and, therefore, also from an economic point of view. The texts of the sixties and seventies were objectively more poetic, without neglecting the component linked to entertainment. Today they are more urban, telling not only love stories (in some cases with very beautiful lyrics), but also the street. The underlying question, however, remains the same: it has always been the record companies who have directed the market.”

Has the world of social media played any role in this metamorphosis?

«Fifty or sixty years ago, in the absence of social media, there was a different approach to music. The aim was to discover real artists, evaluating their creativity and artistic sensitivity. Today, however, followers and streaming contacts reign supreme. Previously we aimed above all at quality, but now we tend to look more at the image. Therefore, today, it would be difficult to see figures similar to those of Lucio Dalla, Bruno Lauzi, Gino Paoli or other big names of the past emerge. And, rewinding the tape of time, I ask myself: how many followers would they have had?”

What characteristics should a good song have to be worthy of the name?

«A lot depends on the generation a song is aimed at. For example, for younger people – and I’m thinking of people in their twenties – the ideal song is the urban one. The rest matches what I stated earlier.”

“An atypical DJ”

From the music sung to the music played. You were also a DJ…

«Yes, but I was an atypical DJ, because I started doing radio broadcasts. At the end of the Seventies and the beginning of the Eighties, while all the radios played Italian and disco music, I focused on rock, punk, heavy metal and jazz styles. They called me to one of the first Italian rock discos, where I started making people dance to songs by Lou Reed, Led Zeppelin, the first Bob Marley, etc….”

Did you have an artistic reference that inspired you?

«No, because at that time there were no other DJs of the same genre who I could draw inspiration from, neither on a national nor on an international level. Other disc jockeys, however, took me as an example.”

In short, it was a “model without models”…

“Exact. And I wasn’t accepted. The other DJs didn’t consider me, even though I paid more than them in some periods.”

In Bari, this year, a cultural association has created a DJ academy, open to aspiring disco jokers of all ages. As a former DJ, do you think it could be a good starting point for anyone intending to enter the profession?

«Having figures who set you up is always useful. However, we must always consider that it is musical taste that makes the difference, because technique is acquired with time and practice. In this case, the selection of the songs is crucial.”

Medimex in Taranto, cohesion effect

Could music be an effective tool for social promotion?

Medimex., a moment of the 2023 edition (source: medimex.it)

«It probably has been since the festivals of the sixties, I’m thinking of the Isle of Wight Festival or the Woodstock festival. And it still is, just think of the Medimex in Taranto. Music has always played a central role in the transformations of society, because it is a universal language par excellence and because it has always had the power to bring together large numbers of people. I cited the example of Taranto because it is a territory with great contradictions: half the city lives economically on the existence of a polluting industry, which the other half wishes to close. Until recently, Taranto hit the headlines especially for this affair. With the arrival of Medimex, in a place where the only musical event was the concert on May 1st, an entire community divided on various issues began to come together. Furthermore, over the years, cultural places and initiatives are proliferating, so much so that the Municipality came up with the claim “The city of festivals”. Without forgetting the film sets or the Mediterranean Games. An opportunity for important growth, determined precisely by shows, cultural initiatives and musical events.”

“Close to sold-out”

Medimex in Taranto, about to start up, and the Rai Radio3 national party in Trani last weekend. How do you see this now consolidated combination between Puglia and music?

«The Puglia Region has decidedly focused on live entertainment and now there is a quantitatively very valid proposal. When I started, the sounds offered were mainly linked to pizzica, jazz and niche electronics. Now everything has expanded and, in fact, the number of shows offered during the summer season has increased.”

Ahead of Medimex 2024, what can the public expect?

«The public already knows what to expect and, in fact, this year we will break the record for pre-sale season tickets. We are close to sold-out for the stories at the Fusco theater and we are recording unprecedented numbers for the Medimex PRO meetings and for the talks at the University. The same goes for all other events. Overall there is great participation in Medimex, which is growing year after year, and this is a very positive sign.”

What response are you expecting from the public?

Diodato at Medimex 2023 (source: medimex.it)

«The usual extraordinary welcome from the city, the beautiful climate, the beauty of the Medimex places and the usual magic that is created on those days and that the Apulians should experience at least once».

Medimex, music and artificial intelligence

Central to this edition will be the theme of artificial intelligence (AI). Many look at it with suspicion, even with fear for fear that it could replace men in various occupational fields. Is this technological revolution also experienced in the music sector with the same state of mind?

«Worry is inevitable and normal when there is chaos; this is why we decided to address the topic. It is necessary to create a perimeter of precise rules for everyone and it will not be easy. Just like the Internet in its time, the phenomenon linked to AI is a phenomenon impossible to stem. Therefore, it is appropriate that it be used as a further tool available to the artist, as part of his creative process.”

So, do you believe that AI could also represent an opportunity in the music scene?

«With the right conditions, yes. Moreover, in music, AI is already being used much more than is known for both lyrics and sounds. It’s a tool and if we all use it in the same way and with the same rules, then we can play it based on public and critical approval.”

Why participate in this new edition of Medimex?

«For example, because this year the concerts at the Rotonda del Lungomare will be of high quality and because I believe that one group in particular, Pulp, will be the real surprise of the Italian summer. Their leader is a charismatic figure; all members are energetic, engaging and fun. I think it will be a concert that will have a great impact.”

Three adjectives to describe the 2024 edition of Medimex…

«Futuristic, energetic and innovative».

To consult the complete program of Medimex 2024 CLICK HERE
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