Catherine Library. New headquarters at the Lux Theater for young people and for the city

Catherine Library. New headquarters at the Lux Theater for young people and for the city
Catherine Library. New headquarters at the Lux Theater for young people and for the city

The former Cinema Lux in Piazza Santa Caterina will have new life as a cultural space. In fact, from next week, the redevelopment work will begin on the building that will house the historic Cateriniana library, a 13th century ecclesiastical structure that contains over 26 thousand books dating back hundreds of years, which must leave the Seminary due to structural and fire safety problems archbishopric of Santa Caterina. An intervention to recover the premises of the former cinema, which have been disused for years, which will last for about ten months and will cost around 800 thousand euros, financed partly by the Archbishop of Pisa Giovanni Paolo Benotto, partly by a bequest to the seminary and for approximately 290 thousand euros from the Pisa Foundation. The designers and directors of the works will be the engineer Giuseppe Bentivoglio and the architect Fabrizio Sainati, who will create the structures to conserve the heritage and make it partly accessible to all and partly reserved, in addition to securing all the book material and to the seismic and safety improvement of the building. “This is one of the oldest cultural realities of Pisa and an example of continuity of presence in the same place for centuries – explains Archbishop Benotto -. Unfortunately, to protect the historical heritage and the environments, a structural intervention was necessary that would guarantee spaces new ones to apply all the right safety and fire rules”. The archbishop applauds the future location of the library in the Lux premises, which will contribute to making it a cultural point of the city. “Lux means having an opening onto Piazza Santa Caterina, a stone’s throw from Scuola Sant’Anna, Piazza dei Cavalieri and Borgo, therefore getting closer to young people, students and in general to many people. It means – said Benotto – make this cultural reality more accessible, which aspires to become a library of national interest”. The archbishop then reassured us about the redevelopment works, explaining that an amount has been allocated which “allows us to start the works with complete tranquility. If there are any inconveniences, as they say, ‘God sees and provides’. I hope – he concluded – to see it requalified before the end of my archbishopric, in September next year when I will turn 75”. The future location of the library in a central space of the city also finds the full support of the Municipality of Pisa, as reiterated by the councilor for urban planning Massimo Dringoli. “We are pleased to share the intended use of a place in a state of abandonment that will be brought back to life as a cultural centre. A library like this located in a square full of young students within everyone’s reach is a great opportunity for Pisa which we are delighted about. We will do everything possible – concluded the councilor – to facilitate the implementation of the works”.

Mario Ferrari

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