Pisa weather, the forecast for weekend 14

The weather forecast for Pisa indicates a variable weekend, with clear skies and scattered clouds. Temperatures will remain mild, with light winds from the West. Humidity will be moderate and rain chances low. Saturday and Sunday will be ideal for outdoor activities. On the night between Friday and Saturday the sky will be clear, while scattered clouds are expected on Sunday night. The atmospheric pressure will remain constant.

Friday 14 June

In the night between 00:00 and 05:00 in Pisa there will be cloudy with cloud cover varying from 96% to the 99%. Temperatures will remain around +17°Cwith a light breeze coming from the West and humidity that will remain around the80%. The atmospheric pressure will be 1018hPa.

During the morning, from 06:00 to 12:00, the sky will remain covered with cloud cover settling around 90%. Temperatures will gradually increase until reaching i +21.5°C around noon. The wind will blow from the West with increasing intensity, reaching a speed of 19.2km/h. Humidity will decrease until 61% and the atmospheric pressure will remain stable at 1019hPa.

In the afternoon, between 1pm and 5pm, the clouds will thin out, leaving room for scattered clouds with cloud cover that will vary from 35% to the 77%. Temperatures will remain around +21.6°Cwith winds coming from the West and a chance of rain of7%. Humidity will settle around the 61% and the atmospheric pressure will be 1018hPa.

In the evening, from 6pm to 11pm, the sky will be serene with cloud cover settling around 0%. Temperatures will gradually decrease until reaching i +16.3°C around 11pm. The wind will be light coming from the East and the humidity will increase to86%. Atmospheric pressure will remain constant at 1017hPa.

Saturday 15 June

During the night, between 00:00 and 05:00, the sky will be serene with a cloud cover equal to 0%. Temperatures will remain around +16°Cwith a light breeze coming from the East and humidity that will remain around85%. The atmospheric pressure will be 1015hPa.

In the morning, from 06:00 to 12:00, the sky will remain serene with cloud cover that will vary between the 0% and the9%. Temperatures will increase until they reach i +21.1°C around 10:00. The wind will blow from the South – South West with an increasing speed up to 18.5km/h. Humidity will settle around the 59% and the atmospheric pressure will be 1014hPa.

During the afternoon, between 1pm and 5pm, the sky will present scattered clouds with cloud cover that will vary from 19% to the 59%. Temperatures will remain around +23.5°Cwith winds coming from the South West and a chance of rain ofabsent. Humidity will be maintained around the 59% and the atmospheric pressure will be 1013hPa.

In the evening, from 6pm to 11pm, the sky will become overcast scattered clouds with cloud cover that will vary from 67% to the 89%. Temperatures will decrease until they reach i +17.6°C around 10pm. The wind will be light coming from the East and the humidity will increase to86%. Atmospheric pressure will remain constant at 1013hPa.

Sunday 16 June

In the night, between 00:00 and 05:00, the sky will present scattered clouds with cloud cover that will vary from 37% to the 85%. Temperatures will remain around +16.7°Cwith a light breeze coming from the East and humidity that will remain around87%. The atmospheric pressure will be 1013hPa.

During the morning, from 06:00 to 12:00, the sky will be scattered clouds with cloud cover that will vary from 42% to the 66%. Temperatures will increase until they reach i +23°C around 09:00. The wind will blow from the South – South East with a light speed and the humidity will settle around 65%. The atmospheric pressure will be 1014hPa.

In the afternoon, between 1pm and 5pm, the sky will become overcast scattered clouds with cloud cover that will vary from 76% to the 100%. Temperatures will remain around +23°Cwith winds coming from the West and a chance of rain ofabsent. Humidity will be maintained around the 69% and the atmospheric pressure will be 1013hPa.

In the evening, from 6pm to 11pm, the sky will be covered with cloud cover settling around 100%. Temperatures will decrease until they reach i +18.1°C around 11pm. The wind will be light coming from the West – North West and the humidity will increase to88%. Atmospheric pressure will remain constant at 1016hPa.

In conclusion, the weekend in Pisa promises to be variable, with a prevalence of clear skies and scattered clouds. Temperatures will remain rather mild, with light winds coming mainly from the West. Humidity will be moderate, with a low chance of rain. Both Saturday and Sunday promise to be ideal days for enjoying time outdoors in peace.

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