Associazione Qulture presents the new novel by Titti Federico

On Friday 14 June at 9pm, at the Bar Centro Storico in Piazza delle Erbe in Carrara, Titti Federico’s latest novel “Il primo giorno del mondo” will be presented, just published by Felici Editore in the Quetzal series, directed by Michela Rossi for Qulture Association. Since this is a literary aperitif, you need to book on 347 3664276.

The book tells the story of a deep friendship, born at school between two boys who, for different reasons, experience profound discomfort. Liliana is an obsessive control freak; Gianni is attracted to boys and the victim of mood swings that devastate his existence. Two “defective pieces” in the eyes of their peers who are too homologated to tolerate their uniqueness. Against the backdrop of a pulsating and heartbreaking Naples, the two protagonists, united by a great sensitivity, discover that mutual support can give them the courage to overcome the traumas that have marked their young lives. A moving coming-of-age novel in diary form set in the 1980s, with a soundtrack carved into the historical memory of entire generations. And a surprising ending.

Titti Federico was born in Genoa to Neapolitan parents and has lived in Carrara since the age of two. He teaches French language and literature and has been writing since 2007. He has published five other novels: Before Evening Comes (2008), Beyond Things (2011), In My Mother’s Eyes (2014), The Last Light On (2018), all for Meligrana Editore, and Asbestos (2021) for Felici Editore. All her novels have won awards (San Domenichino International Prize 2014, 2015, 2016, 2018, 2022 editions; Massa Prize as best Apuan writer 2014; 5 terre Micheloni Prize 2014 and 2018, Donna Carrara Prize 2016; Qulture ti nuova@Una Prize Garland of Books 2020; finalist for the I Murazzi Prize 2024). In my mother’s eyes he placed first in the Iusarte Libri competition, A bridge for legality, in the Best Literary Living Room category.

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