Enhanced Security During the Nightlife in Catania

In Catania, in the beating heart of the nightlife of the historic centre, security measures have been intensified to protect citizens and tourists.

The control and surveillance interventions, coordinated by the Police Headquarters of Catania and supported by various law enforcement agencies, they took place in response to the directives of the Minister of the Interior and the decisions taken during the meetings of the Committee for Public Order and Security.

Point of Focus: Piazza Bellini and surrounding areas

The efforts were concentrated above all in the Piazza Bellini area and nearby, with the reinforced presence of police officers, soldiers from the Guardia di Finanza and support units from the Scientific Police. Security was further guaranteed during highly attractive events such as Etna Comics, an international festival which attracted around 60,000 participants.

Fight against illegal parking

A particular focus was directed against the phenomenon of illegal parking. Over the weekend, nine individuals were caught and fined for carrying out this activity without authorization. The checks also revealed other violations, such as non-compliance with the Dacur, the ban on access to certain urban areas.

Prevention and Deterrence

The police implemented dynamic patrolling which allowed constant monitoring of the most frequented areas. In Piazza Bellini, for example, measures have been adopted to prevent excessive alcohol consumption and drug dealing among young people. The continuous presence of patrols has also limited cases of illegal parking and unauthorized access of motorcycles in pedestrian areas.

Results of Control Operations

Overall, 89 people were identified during the operations, of which 15 with criminal records. Furthermore, 42 vehicles were checked and several violations of the Highway Code were reported. The Carabinieri’s activity was concentrated on areas such as the San Cristoforo district and Castello Ursino, focusing on the prevention of crimes and the safety of citizens and tourists.


The security operations implemented in Catania demonstrated the effectiveness of a coordinated and multidisciplinary strategy. Thanks to these efforts, the Catania nightlife took place without significant incidents, ensuring a safe and welcoming environment for all participants.

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