“Yes to dancing on the beach, but only with a license”

“Yes to dancing on the beach, but only with a license”
“Yes to dancing on the beach, but only with a license”

Rimini, 9 June 2024 – Il Paradise they knocked it down in November. L’ex Ecu, bought at auction last year, who knows when and how it will reopen. The Satellite it remains closed again this summer, and the only evenings scheduled are those organized on the beach. They resist Another world, Coconuts, Carnaby. A few days ago it reopened Blow up. But the nightlife in Rimini it is now – almost – all concentrated on the beach chiringuitos.

It is not a case that the kiosks by the sea continue to increase. Last year, in July, it reached 26, from Viserba to Miramare. This year those authorized by the Municipality there are already 23, but others will open shortly: the authorization process has already been started. Thus we will arrive – at full speed – at one thirty chiringuitos. Never have so many on the beach in Rimini.

It is a sign of how the world of night has changed. It is on the beach that thousands and thousands of kids gather every evening, on weekends and beyond. Precisely for this reason the Prefecture has provided extraordinary checks in chiringuitos for the months of June, July, August. Last year, local police checks ended with fines for 10 kiosks, with some of the owners of beach clubs and restaurants (the management of the chiringuitos is entrusted to both) reported for illegal events and dances.

At Palazzo Garampi they have decided to maintain the rules adopted in recent years. On the beach there background music is allowed until midnight, except for the time slots between 7 and 9 in the morning and between 1 and 4 pm. As regards musical entertainment, deejays and concerts, they are permitted for a maximum of 64 evenings during the summer , between 6.30pm and 11.30pm. Only on two occasions, the Pink night and Ferragosto, it is possible to go beyond those times.

Last year the situation had gotten out of hand, with some chiringuitos transformed into discos on the sand. “We fear that even this season the phenomenon, without constant and targeted controls, will recur – attacks the president of Silb (the Confcommercio dance club union), Gianni Indino – The complaints and reports were not enough to stop abusive parties and dancing evenings on the beach. Some organizers preferred the risk of getting a fine to not making money for an evening…”.

Because of this Indino, in a recent meeting held at Palazzo Garampi, launched a proposal that “may seem provocative to some, but is actually very serious. We asked the Municipality to issue dance licenses to beach clubs. The managers will finally be able to organize the evenings, make people dance until late, but to do it they will have to be put in orderensuring compliance with the safety and health and hygiene standards to which discos are required”.

In short: as already happened in Riccione, for the venues in the Marano area, Silb proposes to ‘clear’ discos on the beach also in Rimini. “We note that in Rimini the fun and entertainment, in summer, are concentrated on the beach. Good: then let there be the same rules for evenings on the beach that nightclubs must comply with, which invest thousands and thousands of euros every year for safety measures and all other aspects”.

In short: “Yes to dancing on the sand, but in order and no longer illegal. We will see what intentions the Municipality of Rimini has and, above all, whether the managers of beach establishments and restaurants will be able to seize this opportunity. But what we no longer want to see are thousands of kids dancing under umbrellas without security guards, without a toiletwithout anything of what is imposed on discos”.

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