Rocchi Stadium, acquisition closer

Rocchi Stadium, acquisition closer. After a long wait, the Municipality completed the land registration necessary to definitively acquire the property from the Region, as established by unanimous vote of the municipal council on February 15th, at the request of the yellow and blue fans.

Rocchi Stadium, acquisition closer

This brings us closer, at least, to the conclusion of the intricate story of co-ownership of the plant between the two entities, which had lasted since the 1980s. But for the definitive transition, the stacking relating to the curves built with the 2007 restyling, which has now arrived, was missing. This was announced by the city planning councilor himself, Emanuele Aronne. “The land registry has finally been registered by the Revenue Agency, now everything is in order – he comments -. The resolution for the loan for use has been uploaded and will soon arrive in the commission.”

The story

The Region, in truth, has already given the OK to the free loan for use of the Rocchi some time ago, otherwise the Municipality would not even have been able to announce the public notice which expired on 27 May. In fact, a few months ago the municipal administration would have been able to entrust the stadium to a managing body. But, after having abandoned the multi-year competition into oblivion, it is taking much longer than expected even with the annual one, with the risk of ruining the reopening of the Rocchi also in the next sports season.

The land registry will be necessary for the definitive transfer of ownership

For the purposes of the loan for use, the registration would not even have been necessary, but it will be necessary for the definitive transfer of ownership. “Once the loan for use has been completed, we will begin the entire procedure to obtain full ownership of the stadium – clarifies the councilor -. For management, after the inspections, if there is acceptance, the assignment will proceed.” But the acquisition of ownership and the entrusting of management to a sports entity that brings football back to Rocchi are two very distinct things and proceed on different tracks.

The difficulties in quickly and positively closing the negotiated procedure with Favl Viterbo remain enormous

If relations with the Region now seem more fluid in this sense, in fact, the difficulties in quickly positively closing the procedure negotiated with Favl Viterbo, the only sports club to have responded to the notice, remain enormous. Above all due to the total degradation in which the municipal administration has abandoned the stadium in recent months, and also the Rossi del Pilastro field, and the resulting huge restoration costs. Resources are needed that the Municipality does not have in its budget, which worries the aspiring managers of Favl quite a bit. And the fans too.


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