‘Renewave’ is born, the renewable energy fair of Puglia

From Friday 9th to Sunday 11th May 2025 the Fiera del Levante in Bari will take place Renewavethe renewable energy fair of Puglia, the first region in Italy for RES (Renewable Energy Sources).

Organized by the Nuova Fiera del Levante the aim is to raise awareness and develop always greater awareness and responsibility towards the ecological transition that is now indispensable and cannot be postponed. The climate alarm and the need to differentiate energy sources, indicate the forced transition to renewable energy.

Puglia, rich in sun, wind and sea, first in Italy for the number of renewable energy plants, can be a leader in this fundamental change for the future of our planet and for a sustainable world, also thanks to the ferment of the ever-increasing number of companies who operate there. The South can play a leading role considering the enormous tribute that the Pniec (National Integrated Plan for Energy and Climate) assigns to it to compete with the development of renewables to the European and national objectives of reducing CO2 emissions and decarbonising the economy. Therefore a renewables fair is the last link in an attractive strategy to present the most advanced technologies in the sector to businesses and citizens.

The Bari Fair specializing in renewable energy fits into this context and will be B2B, therefore aimed at sector operators who will exhibit and present their services and products, and at the same time B2C, aimed at the public, therefore at the final consumer. Here new concepts, the most advanced technologies, new philosophies will meet to give life to the most innovative solutions of tomorrow for the home, mobility, businesses and public electricity needs.

Clean energy contributes to slowing down the growth of CO2 emissions, the main cause of global pollution. This is now the way to go and Renewave will be an opportunity to learn about the new frontiers of renewable energy – declares Gaetano Frulli, president of the Nuova Fiera del Levante. It will be a strategic fair to learn about the opportunities that are opening up in the global market. It will also help companies to best propose their ideas, improving the exchange of experiences and knowledge”.

They will then be presented the latest news on the market for offshore and onshore wind and photovoltaic, agrovoltaic, biomass, solar thermal, hydrogen, battery storage and much more, in addition to the most innovative tools for energy efficiency.

To achieve the sustainable development goals of the 2030 agenda signed by the members of the UN, skills and knowledge are needed to develop new models and technologies for the exploitation of renewable energy as the best guarantee for the future of the next generations. Only in this way can we contribute to thatThe circular and regenerative economy is fundamental for an increasingly sustainable life.

«It is important that such a large Italian fair entirely dedicated to technologies and innovations in the renewable energy sector will be held in our land, Puglia. A region which, together with the entire South, can become a leader in the green energy production sector thanks to its incredible natural resources. The group Hope can’t wait to make a contribution to such an ambitious project and learn about the opportunities for exchange and in-depth analysis that will arise before our eyes.”

As Michele Scoppio, CEO of the Group Hopecomments on the announcement Renewavea fair organized by the Nuova Fiera del Levante of Bari and which will be held from 9 to 11 May 2025designed not only to do business and attract investments, but also to raise awareness and develop greater awareness of the ecological transition.
«One of the Group’s missions Hope is precisely that of providing information on a sector that is constantly evolving and which needs to establish a continuous dialogue even with non-experts. We do this every day with training and meetings with young talents, from meetings in schools with Energy Talks to school-work alternation projects, through collaborations with universities and technical institutes such as ITS Green Energy Puglia. The green transition is not the profession of the future, as we often hear: it is already the present. And Puglia, the place where the Group Hope was born and decided to grow with its offshore floating wind farm projects, it cannot be caught unprepared to be able to guide and govern the energy transition and not suffer from it. We thank the Fiera del Levante organization for this ambitious and unprecedented idea, confident that it will be an important moment for all of us. The sector trade fairs in Italy are becoming increasingly successful, we are sure that Renewave It will be an opportunity not to be missed.”

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