Mille Miglia 2024, how traffic changes in Brescia

Only a few days left until the start of the Mille Miglia 2024which will begin on Tuesday 11 June from Brescia and will return to our city on Saturday 15 June. For the occasion, like every year, there will be several changes to traffic.

Here they are in detail, in chronological order for the next few days.

Parking bans and road closures

From 00.01 on June 9th to midnight on June 11th they will be the ZTL gates have been deactivated including those in the pedestrian area of ​​Piazza della Loggia, Corso Zanardelli and the privileged pedestrian area of ​​Via Cardinal Querini and Via Trieste.

From 00.01 on June 10th to 8pm on June 11th is established Do not stop in via Dante and corso Garibaldi, corso Zanardelli, via ‘Agata on both sides, in piazza della Loggia south side from Corsetto Sant’Agata to via XXIV Maggio, via XXIV Maggio on both sides, via A. Volta, via della Posta, via Verdi both sides, via IV Novembre both the sides, Piazza Paolo VI over the entire northern quadrant.

From 00.01 to 19.00 on 11 June is established Do not stop in viale Venezia (including sidewalks) on the north side and on the south side in the stretch between number 12 and via Quaranta (including widening), in via Castellini on both sides in the stretch between via Mantova and viale Venezia, in via Rebuffone on both the sides with parking allowed between number 3 and number 7 for medical personnel vehicles supporting the cars, in piazzale Arnaldo on the north side from via Turati to via Avogadro, in via Avogadro on both sides, in via Castello on both sides, in the Sferisterio car park, in via Langer on both sides, in contrata S. Urbano on both sides, and in via Militare on both sides.

From 7am to 6pm on June 11th a parking ban has been established on both sides of via Dante, via Pace and corso Garibaldi.

From 10am to 7pm on June 11th no parking on the south side of viale Venezia, in the stretch between via Mantova and number 12 (ex Bertolotti widening).

From 8am to midnight on June 11th no parking on both sides of via della Parrocchia, in the stretch between the driveway entrance of the Monastery and via delle Rimembranze, with parking permitted for participating and organization vehicles on the sidewalks near the Mille Miglia Museum.

In Victoria Square, the fulcrum of the punching and departure days. Traffic on June 11th will be managed by the local police who will coordinate entrances and exits from the parkingcompatibly with the transit of cars in the race which will still have priority to pass. Exit will only be allowed in the direction of via Gramsci.

From 10am to 7pm on June 11th they will be closed to vehicular traffic the following routes, or sections of them:

  • viale Venezia, in the stretch between via Mantova and number 278 (eastern intersection with via Benacense);
  • via Castellini, with access allowed in two-way traffic to residents, authorized persons and users of the Castellini car park;
  • west section of via Rebuffone;
  • via Comboni, in the stretch between via Naviglio Grande and viale Venezia;
  • via Naviglio Grande, in the stretch between via Mantova and via Comboni;
  • via G. Lonati;
  • via Ugo da Como;
  • via Bazzini, in the stretch between viale Venezia and via B. Marcello;
  • via Sant’Angela Merici, in the stretch between via Bonomelli and viale Venezia;
  • via Bertoni, in the stretch between via Bonomelli and viale Venezia;
  • via Marenzio in the stretch between via Bonomelli and viale Venezia;
  • via C. Quaranta, in the stretch between via Bonomelli and viale Venezia;
  • via Prati, in the stretch between via Nievo and viale Venezia;
  • piazzale Arnaldo;
  • via del Castello;
  • via Avogadro;
  • via San Faustino;
  • Largo Formentone;
  • Corso Mameli, in the stretch between Corsetto Sant’Agata and Via San Faustino;
  • Piazza della Loggia south side;
  • Sant’Agata corset;
  • via A. Volta;
  • via XXIV Maggio;
  • via della Posta;
  • via Bertolotti;
  • via IV Novembre, in the stretch between Piazza del Mercato and via X Giornate on the north side;
  • via X Giornate;
  • via Gramsci east side;
  • via Verdi west side;
  • Dante Street;
  • via Cairoli in the stretch between via Pace and corso Matteotti;
  • via Pace;
  • Corso Garibaldi;
  • Contrada delle Bassiche in the stretch between Via Cairoli and Corso Garibaldi;
  • Vicolo del Moro in the stretch between Via Capriolo and Corso Garibaldi;
  • via Marsala in the stretch between via Capriolo and corso Garibaldi;
  • Piazzale Garibaldi south side;

Other changes

From 10am to 7pm on 10th and 11th June the one-way traffic of Rua Sovera is reversed in the stretch between the Carmine district and via Capriolo, with transit permitted from north to south.

From 10am to 7pm on 10th and 11th June the gate connecting via Trieste and via Mazzini is open to vehicular traffic, with the obligation to give priority to via Trieste over via Mazzini.

From 10am to 7pm on June 11th Two-way traffic is established in the S. Urbano district.

From 10am to 7pm on June 11th Two-way traffic is established in Via Cairoli in the stretch between Corso Matteotti and Via Pace reserved for residents in the specified stretch, in Via San Francesco in the stretch between Corso Matteotti and Via Pace reserved only for residents of Via San Francesco in the specified stretch , via Pace from number 18 to number 28 and Tresanda San Nicola.

From 12pm to 7pm on June 11th the direction of travel of via Benacense is reversed, with transit allowed from east to west, obligation to turn left from via Trieste towards via Mario.

From 12pm on June 11th until the need ceases, for the outflow of vehicles exiting the Arnaldo car park, a lane is created by means of barriers on the north side of Piazza Arnaldo, in the stretch between via Turati and the exit from the Arnaldo car park.

From 12pm to 7pm on June 11th Via Mantova is closed to traffic, allowing transit to residents up to the link road with via Lechi at number 2, and via Turati with access permitted to residents.

From 12pm to 7pm on June 11th One-way traffic is established with direction permitted from east to west of via Pusterla, in the stretch between via San Rocchino and via Lombroso.

From 12pm to 7pm on June 11th Via Spalto San Marco is closed to traffic, in the stretch between Via XXV Aprile and Piazzale Arnaldo, with access permitted to residents heading towards Largo Torrelunga and Via Fratelli Lechi.

From 12pm to 7pm on June 11th and in any case until the need ceases to be necessary, the closure of the Tito Speri tunnel to vehicular traffic with access permitted to residents and authorized persons.

Furthermore, the Ztl portal in via IV Novembre will be turned off until 18 June; a parking ban with forced removal has been established for cycles and motorcycles in Piazza Vittoria Metro station, Corso Zanardelli, in Via IV Novembre in the stretch between Via X Giornate and Piazza Mercato; parking will be prohibited, with forced removal, on both sides of viale Venezia (including sidewalks), between via Castellini and via Rebuffone (west section); one-way traffic will be in force, from west to east, in viale Venezia, between the west section and the east section of via Rebuffone; the cycle path on the north side of viale Venezia, between the west section and the east section of via Rebuffone, will be closed.

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PREV Tributes. By Ornella Abelli, Alessandria. – Italia News Media