Prestiti Toro, Demba Seck sticks in Frosinone: stay in Turin in the balance

Prestiti Toro, Demba Seck sticks in Frosinone: stay in Turin in the balance
Prestiti Toro, Demba Seck sticks in Frosinone: stay in Turin in the balance

The 2001 born player will return to Turin from his loan to Frosinone: an impalpable experience in the gialloblù with 0 goals and assists and a future in the Granata that seems very difficult

Seck, unsuccessful performance at Di Francesco’s court

Having arrived on loan in Ciociaria on 23 January, Seck was welcomed favorably by Di Francesco who at the first press conference praised his technical and athletic skills, also defining him as “one of the first choices we had at the beginning of the season”. In fact, the 2001 born player immediately started his first game in yellow and blue, playing 70 minutes in the 1-1 draw against Verona and was also started in his second game from the kick-off in the match lost 2-3 against Milan. Since then, however, something broke between him and the coach and Seck was relegated to the bench so much so that he ended his season 5 days early: Seck’s experience at Frosinone therefore ended with 0 goals and assists, 11 appearances, 2 as a starter and 9 starting from the bench, with only 292 minutes played – fewer than those played in Turin in the first 6 months of the season in 9 appearances.

The future in grenade is nebulous

On 30 June 2024 Seck’s six-month loan to Frosinone will expire and the Senegalese will return to Piedmont, but given the disappointing performances on the pitch and his life outside football which caused various embarrassment for the club, his stay at Turin remains to be deciphered: great part of his future in the Granata will depend on the will of the next coach who sits on the bench. Now the certainty is that on July 1st Seck will be a Toro player again, but for the future all we can do is wait.


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