«Avellino humiliated by the Festa council, rebirth only with Gengaro. The right has betrayed the city and Campania”

«Avellino humiliated by the Festa council, rebirth only with Gengaro. The right has betrayed the city and Campania”
«Avellino humiliated by the Festa council, rebirth only with Gengaro. The right has betrayed the city and Campania”

One last effort for Antonio Gengaro, to kick off the “rebirth of Avellino”. The local Democrats gather around the mayoral candidate a few days before the vote on Saturday and Sunday.

In Piazzetta Biagio Agnes, between the Corso and the Partenio cinema, the national references of the Democrats arrive to lend a hand in the last remnants of the countryside.

After the presentation of the coalition at the Hotel de la Ville, they return to reiterate their vote for Gengaro Francesco Boccialeader of the Democratic Party in the Senate, and the Hon Piero De Luca.

As DeLuca: «We are here to reiterate our support for the candidacy of Antonio Gengaro, a member of the Democratic Party, who was able to bring together civic, progressive, left-wing forces and the 5 Star Movement. We are proud to have formed such a broad coalition to return to governing Avellino. We cannot afford a city wounded and isolated from the Region; Avellino – he explains – has extraordinary potential that must be valorised. We want to give new hope to the community, open a new page.”

«I thank the Democratic Party for the opposition work carried out in recent years – he reiterates – without which we would not have reached this point with such strength and credibility. Thanks also to all the other coalition forces: Avellino has become a national political model. We hope that the results confirm our work. We, he adds, are proud of our party symbols, unlike other right-wing forces who prefer to hide – he says, referring to Genovese’s Civic Pact – ed. -. We ask the entire Avellino community for continued effort and support in the coming hours.”

With the mayoral candidate, the dem secretary Nello Pizza on the stage, the regional councilor Maurizio Petracca and a large part of the local management in the audience. The former mayor sees himself again Paolo Fotithe last elected member of the Democratic Party to wear the tricolor sash until 2018, welcomed by applause.

We are here for the rebirth of Avellino – reiterates Boccia, a long-time friend of di Gengaro, Letta area -. In such a delicate historical phase, we are witnessing a clear battle between the centre-left, the Democratic Party, the 5 Star Movement and all the opposition forces to the right. This battle focuses against the cuts that the Meloni government is making to public health, schools, local public transport and services for people.

We are going through difficult times – explains the senator – because we have denounced the exchange between the premiership and Calderoli’s “SpaccaItalia”, a cost that will fall on the South, Campania, the South and the internal areas. Antonio Gengaro represents the response of a proud community, humiliated by the Festa administration and contested by the right » he states.

«We ask the right-wing elected representatives in the Senate and the Chamber to take a step back, he adds, since they have already betrayed Avellino and Campania by voting for differentiated autonomy. Avellino has a history and tradition of which we are all aware, but today it needs honest, transparent political leadership that fights any type of infiltration.

This city is not home to organized groups or lobbies – it’s the lunge – Businesses must be free to operate, agriculture must become profitable again, and investments must be made openly. This is why I am here alongside Antonio Gengaro, certain that the entire community of progressives, liberals, moderates and those who oppose the right will unite in support of his candidacy.”

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