here are the data from the province

Salerno. Tomorrow will see the celebration, at provincial level, of the 210th anniversary of the foundation of the Carabinieri. The celebratory day will begin at the Carabinieri Provincial Command of Salerno with an internal ceremony commemorating the Carabinieri Claudio Pezzuto And Fortunato Arena, Gold Medals for Military Valour, in memory, brutally murdered on 12 February 1992, in Pontecagnano Faiano. The military ceremony will begin at 7 pm, at the “Lido del Carabiniere”, in via Generale Clark, in the presence of the highest civil, military and religious authorities of the Province, with the participation of students from educational institutes in the city of Salerno.

Data from the province of Salerno

Specifically, on the prevention level, the commands forming the provincial area, 2 territorial departments, 8 Companies, 3 Tenenze and 91 Carabinieri Stations, carried out 55,121 reconnaissance and patrol services, checking a total of 93,707 people, 67,647 vehicles and 52,637 documents. Particular attention was paid to combating any form of illegality to predatory crimes, reporting to the judicial authority 161 people were arrested for theft, of which 24 were arrestedand for robbery 34, of which 13 were arrested.

They were also 2 people referred for voluntary homicideof which two were arrested, for attempted murder 5, of which 3 were arrested, for criminal association 2of which 1 is under arrest, for extortion 34of which 7 are under arrest, for receiving stolen goods 28of which 4 are under arrest, for scams and computer frauds 151of which 1 is under arrest, and for malicious wounds, beatings and threats, 475of which 13 were arrested.

In the fight against drug dealing 108 people were referred to the Judicial Authority, of which 41 were under arrestwith operations that led to the overall seizure of approximately 4.5 kg of narcotic substances including cocaine, heroin and hashishWhile 216 are reported to the Prefect as drug users.

In the context of the fight against crimes referred to in the so-called legislation code red, over 300 people were reported to the Judicial Authority, in 107 cases proposals were made and surveillance measures were activated in favor of the victim, 50 subjects were arrested (one every three days) and 89 personal precautionary measures were carried out to remove them from the family home or ban on approaching the offended person. To protect vulnerable groups and in particular for scams targeting the elderly, 11 people were reported, of which 3 were arrested.

The various specialized provincial departments, NAS, NOE, NIL, NAC and Forestry Carabinieri, as a result of the activities within their institutional competence in the field of health and food protection, environmental protection, work, agricultural and forestry policies, have overall carried out approximately 13 thousand checks, referring to the judicial authority 9 people under arrest and 440 at largeas well as performing 5 interdictory precautionary measures and seizures for a total of over 7 million euros; also contested administrative sanctions of approximately 500 thousand euros.

Since the beginning of the year, the Carabinieri for the province of Salerno has guaranteed the emergency service in response to the 35,382 calls (approximately 290 per day) reaching 112 as the single emergency number, resulting in interventions carried out through all the operational components located throughout the territory: Stations, Operational Units and Mobile Radios and first intervention units.

In terms of monitoring violations of the Highway Code and special laws, 4,222 sanctions were imposed (total amount of 2,187,800 euros), of which, for the so-called “life-saving” regulations, 236 for failure to use seat belts, 244 for driving without a licence, 40 for driving without the use of a protective helmet, 47 for driving under the influence of alcohol, 13 for driving in a state of psycho-physical alteration due to the use of narcotic substances, seizing or subjecting to administrative arrest for a total of 763 vehicles.

Finally, the dependent Weapon Commands have proposed to the competent Authorities a total of 230 personal prevention measures, specifically 112 compulsory warnings, 98 oral warnings and 20 special public security surveillance, while as a result of asset and banking investigations, reports were in sl 33 people.

Protects widespread interests with specialized departments in the area

Health Protection
The Carabinieri Health Protection Command ensures control and investigative activities to safeguard the quality of public and private healthcare services and to combat pharmaceutical and food counterfeiting, which are harmful to health. The establishment of the first 6 Anti-adulteration and Health Units dates back to 1962, which saw the Carabinieri operating in the dual function of Judicial Police Officers and Health Inspectors for the first time. Today, the department has around 1,000 units, distributed across 38 Anti-adulteration and Healthcare Units (NAS).

Environmental Protection
The Carabinieri Command for Environmental Protection and Ecological Transition concentrates its efforts on the most detailed and complex investigation activities, with particular attention to the illicit trafficking of special waste and greenwashing activities by companies. The Carabinieri Command for the Protection of Biodiversity is responsible for the protection of biodiversity in the 130 state nature reserves and the application of the CITES convention. The Command for the Protection of Forests and Parks directs its action towards the protection of environmental resources, the protection of the landscape and the sustainability of production, carrying out targeted control and surveillance campaigns of protected areas and interventions for the protection and maintenance of the territory, to fire prevention and combating hydrogeological instability.

Protection of Cultural Heritage
The Carabinieri Command for the Protection of Cultural Heritage, established in 1969, today manages a database, unique in the world, which is the basis of the Stolen Works of Art Detection System (SWOADS) project, capable of scanning the web, using specific algorithms for interpreting images, looking for fraudulently marketed works of art.

Work protection
The Carabinieri Command for the Protection of Work, established in 1926, turns its attention, with renewed incisiveness, to all forms of exploitation of labour: from the facilitation of illegal immigration for the illicit placement of labour, to the gig economy, in which dynamics, the risks of unhealthy precariousness creep in.

Agri-food protection
The “Made in Italy” agri-food sector is another strategic sector of the national economy entrusted, since 1982, to the protection of the Army. The Carabinieri Command for Agri-Food Protection is primarily committed to verifying the correct use of funding provided by the European Union, as well as protecting consumers by guaranteeing the authenticity of the products.

Anti-counterfeit money
The Carabinieri Anti-Counterfeit Monetary Command has been active for 30 years in combating counterfeit money. Today it is equipped with a “Cryptocurrency Section”, to combat the illicit use of virtual currency exchange IT platforms.

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