“Don’t stop the city, vote Elena!”: the centre-left flash mob for Elena Carnevali

“Don’t stop the city, vote Elena!”: the centre-left flash mob for Elena Carnevali
“Don’t stop the city, vote Elena!”: the centre-left flash mob for Elena Carnevali

Bergamo. An enormous, human inscription which, when viewed from above, has a certain effect. Two words for a river of people: the people of the center-left took to the streets, in the heart of Bergamo, precisely in Piazza Vittorio Veneto, to shout in unison “Vote Elena”. A special Saturday, the one a week before the vote, for the candidates who are rooting for their leader. Armed with white t-shirts and ready, each with their own role, to put themselves in their place to give life to a moment that leaves the mark of community building.

Piazza Vittorio Veneto was thus filled with white t-shirts and enthusiasm to support Elena Carnevali one week before the elections. Over 250 people in the square to compose the human writing “Vote Elena” and to launch the cry to the city: “Don’t stop the city, vote for Elena!”. Among townspeople, supporters and candidates, the flash mob brought smiles and energy.

The large snake, led by the mayoral candidate, continued walking together along via XX Settembre, Largo Rezzara and Piazza Pontida up to via Sant’Orsola, under the headquarters of the electoral point.

“How beautiful the participation of so many people today – he comments Elena Carnevali -, whose energy and desire to commit to our city I feel. Seeing the square full with me for Bergamo pushes me to do even more in these last days. We still have a week to talk about our program and many events await us to demonstrate that we are the true force that wants Bergamo to continue to grow by building occasions and opportunities for everyone, from its young people to families and elderly people.

The Bergamo of tomorrow keeps its enterprising and innovative spirit alive, and is a city that makes culture and training – also thanks to the presence of our University – engines of growth for people and our entrepreneurial system, factors of cohesion in many places and neighborhoods, and which sees the great challenge of environmental sustainability as an important lever for living well and an opportunity for economic development. We want a safe Bergamo, thanks to the vitality of the urban space and a more extensive and widespread presence of police officers and law enforcement agencies.

Bergamo, center-left flash mob for Elena Carnevali

The enthusiasm that we experienced first-hand this morning will accompany us until voting day. We will be present until the end in the streets, squares and neighborhoods to explain to the people of Bergamo the city we want: more attentive, safe, green, young and European”.

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