elderly woman accidentally hit in the back (it’s very serious)

Two cars chasing each other, the first gunshots being fired, a third car being there at the wrong time and one of the bullets passing through the trunk door of the Smart, embedding itself in the back of a woman from 1943. With a certain degree of certainty, also based on the first testimonies, this would be the reconstruction of the shooting that took place yesterday afternoon on the Prenestina, near via Riserva Nuova in which Caterina C., born in Calabria but resident in the capital for years, was seriously injured. The target was not her nor the driver and owner of the Smart, Loredana B., born in 1960. The two women had recently left the “Unico” shopping center and were returning home when a Fiat 500 chasing a Golf started the shooting. Several shots were fired, as the forensic findings, which arrived on site before 6.30 pm, will also attest. The Smart ends up on the wrong trajectory, the driver who hears the shots tries to escape, pulling over to her right but a bullet hits her.

He fires a gunshot and wounds Luciano Giansante, the deputy mayor: “He had terror on his face”

THE RECONSTRUCTION And it is probably also a weight caliber since that single bullet manages to pass through the bodywork, albeit light, of the Smart, stopping its journey in the 81-year-old’s back. The Flying Squad, which is investigating the case, is inclined to exclude their direct involvement in the shooting: the two women have no criminal record and have no precedents. Naturally, checks are still underway on both relationships and family members, but also based on the first testimonies collected, there are those who speak of two cars that were chasing each other – the Fiat 500 and the Golf – and from which the shots were fired. . The cars continued their race. A patrol of the traffic police of the VI Torri Group, which was in the area for routine checks, would have tried to chase, unfortunately in vain, the two vehicles which, traveling along the Prenestina, then entered the Grande Raccordo Anulare, losing their tracks . «Episodes like today’s (yesterday) – comments Marco Milani, Roman secretary of Sulpl, the unitary union of local police workers – demonstrate, if anything, there was still a need for the importance of uniform standards in terms of preparation and tools, for all those who they operate in the security sector.”

THE INVESTIGATIONS Several shell casings in the street, the caliber will now have to be established also to understand if the shots were fired from a single gun or if instead it was a real firefight. The key will be the images from the video surveillance systems in the area, the police are confident that they will find images in the footage that are at least useful for tracing the license plates of the two vehicles involved in order to trace the owners (provided that the cars were not stolen), excluding the Smart, and crystallize a dynamic that, at the moment, is only reported by those who, helplessly, witnessed the scene. Yesterday afternoon it was more or less 6pm, the shopping center was full of customers as usual. Many of them park their cars before going shopping right in the street and many of them on their way out witnessed the scene, even finding themselves giving first aid to the two women. The victim’s friend, unharmed but in shock, was interviewed at the police station for a few hours last night when she had regained lucidity while her elderly friend, who was traveling with her in the passenger seat, was transferred in code red to the Tor Vergata university hospital . Her condition would be very serious.

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