«Now Italy has more respect in Europe»

«We are ready to participate in the government of Europe in a new majority that includes conservatives. A much needed turning point for Europe”, reasons the Minister of Culture Gennaro Sangiuliano with respect to the next European elections which will mark “a turning point for the Italian centre-right”. And he adds: «Giorgia Meloni’s prestige and ability to govern are, today, recognized throughout the West».

Minister Sangiuliano, is it reasonable to imagine, from the polls, a possible change of majority in Strasbourg and Brussels for the next European elections? What are your feelings?
«We are changing Italy, we now aim to change Europe. We are staunchly pro-European and I always remember a historical circumstance: the then PCI voted against the Treaties of Rome. There is the beautiful book by Renato Mieli which recounts that passage well. We believe, however, in a Europe of citizens, of common cultural values, where there is less bureaucracy and where the legal structure, although necessary, is the consequence of a profound sharing of values: those of a long common history. Let’s think, for example, of Roman law and Judeo-Christian roots. Of course, we aim to replicate the centre-right political alliance in Europe.”

What will change? And above all, do you believe that Fdi is ready for this pro-European government shift?
«Giorgia Meloni, Prime Minister, is the leader of the conservatives, and this is one of the great European political families. We are more than ready. Giorgia Meloni’s prestige and ability to govern are today recognized throughout the West. Before we were subordinate, sometimes even submissive, now we are loyal, constructive but attentive to the interests of our nation, ready to build a Europe of peoples. I was very pleased to receive a letter from the European Commissioner for Culture recognizing our ability to spend Pnrr funds. We are working on the Borghi project, on the energy efficiency of museums and on the elimination of barriers. Just as I am proud of the appreciation of the European Commissioner for Cohesion Elisa Ferreira on how we happily concluded the Greater Pompeii operation, a site for which we refinanced the excavations. The director of Pompeii told me that construction sites are active like never before in recent decades. The South once wasted European resources, we spend with honesty and efficiency.”

In your opinion, what points of the program should be implemented immediately by the EU?
«Work and people are at the center of the project, promoting public-private partnerships and supporting businesses, particularly medium and small ones. The defense of food sovereignty and that of the environment without giving in to eco-madness. I’ll make you a joke…”.

«Today Europe dictates the rules on how to cook insects and is not interested in relaunching the technological industry. There are historically two forms of capitalism, the indiscriminate one, and the Weberian one, also defined as Rhenish capitalism more in keeping with our tradition. On the socio-economic level, I believe the challenge to demographic decline is a priority, a sensitive issue for our South which is depopulating. This is why it is necessary to put policies on birth rates and the family at the centre, in which Europe must definitely invest.”

In these hours, part of the centre-right coalition, or some exponents, are complaining about an alleged attack on Western values. You, as well as being a minister, are a man of culture: what is your opinion? It’s really like this?
«Great authors such as Ortega y Gasset, Roger Scruton and even our own Benedetto Croce have warned us about the decline of the West. Western society inherited from the Greco-Roman world the notion of cives, a citizen with rights and duties. The West is historically founded on the recognition of personal rights and the rule of law. There are forces that would like to degrade people to barcodes, mere consumers, liquid and shapeless mass. The West won against Nazi-fascism, thanks to leaders such as the conservatives Churchill and De Gaulle, and against communism thanks to Pope John Paul II and Reagan.”

In your opinion, will the European vote also be decisive for national scenarios?
«After a decade of unelected governments and the result of palace alchemy, Italy is governed by a clear majority, an expression of popular sovereignty, as stated in the Constitution. The center-right is cohesive, attentive to the real problems of the nation.”

Danger of abstention especially in the South: will the polls open for two days be enough or is something else needed to convince the undecided?
«Italians and especially southerners must understand the importance of taking part in the vote, because in Europe we make a large part of those decisions which then fall on us in decisive areas, think of the rules on housing, healthcare or those on mobility. If we do not participate in decisions, and above all we do not defend our national interests when necessary, others will do it for us. Once upon a time in Europe people went very distracted and with a modest attitude, almost like those of poor relatives. Today we stand in a spirit of loyal collaboration but aware of the value of Italy, the founding nation of the Union.”


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