Salvini in Bergamo, visiting the construction site for the redevelopment of the Aler houses

Salvini in Bergamo, visiting the construction site for the redevelopment of the Aler houses
Salvini in Bergamo, visiting the construction site for the redevelopment of the Aler houses

Bergamo. Matteo Salvini visiting the construction site of the Aler houses in via Moroni. On the afternoon of Thursday 23 May, the Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Government Infrastructure visited one of the two buildings owned by Aler which is being redeveloped thanks to PNRR funds. An appointment, set in front of the building in via Moroni 330, requested by the national secretary of the League to monitor the situation, testing the pulse of the progress of the works and understanding whether the timetable, on which the revenue from thethe 16 million and 700 thousand euros used, of which 2 are not financed. And between one explanation and another on the nature and scope of the interventions which concern a total of 162 homes, the opportunity is propitious to highlight the great result achieved by Atalanta in the Europa League final and to take stock of the electoral campaign in Bergamo .

Salvini, welcomed by the prefect Giuseppe Forlenza, by the Transport Councilor of the Lombardy Region Claudia Terzi, by the director of Aler Corrado Della Torre and by the president Corrado Zambelli, by the representatives of the Territorial League, the city secretary Alessandro Carrara and the city councilor Stefano Rovettacarried out the inspection and had the work illustrated regarding both the insulation and the internal and external energy efficiency of the apartments, – with an intervention parameter that requires the achievement of 50% of the works by December 2024 and completion by next year.

“I am visiting construction sites throughout Italy and I must say that Bergamo is always Bergamo – like this Salvini -. The illegal occupation rate is practically non-existent. Coming from Milan, I have 3 on the landing. Here we are talking about the same number but about 16 thousand apartments managed on a regional scale. And times are progressing: we plan to close even earlier than expected. With 500 people who, yes, at the moment, are experiencing discomfort, but who will then have their lives totally changed. It’s money well spent. And the credit goes to all the institutions involved: from the administration, to the Region, passing through the Ministry which decided to invest in this direction. I am very satisfied with what I saw. Overall, as a Ministry, we are fixing over 100 thousand public apartments throughout Italy.”

And on the electoral campaign in the city: “The only poll that matters is that of 8 and 9 June. But it is also true that there is a nice air of change and not only in Bergamo. And there is a desire for the League. The people from Bergamo will choose, the same ones who already won a very important trophy yesterday. And who knows that after so many years Bergamo will be able to put on the ground a new idea of ​​the city, that of the centre-right. I met Pezzotta: he is an excellent candidate and so is the team”.

“The redevelopment moves on three major levels, both active and passive energy efficiency, anti-seismic adaptation and the renovation of the entire green area surrounding the two buildings – so the president Zambelli -. Without forgetting that, once the renovation process is completed, the buildings will all be class A. We have absolutely no problems with regards to the timetable: we are in line with the times we had planned. The apartments are currently inhabited, all regularly, except for 3 which are illegally occupied. These are situations that are monitored and that we are trying to resolve, although I would like to specify that the people who experience them find themselves in situations of serious difficulty.”

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