Gravina di Catania weather, forecast for tomorrow Saturday 25 May


Saturday 25 May in Gravina di Catania are expected weather conditions variable with overcast skies in the morning and scattered clouds in the afternoon. Temperatures will fluctuate between +17.3°C and +24.5°C, with humidity remaining around 50-60%. The wind will blow at light speed, with occasional gusts, mainly coming from variable directions.

In detail, in the morning the sky will be mainly overcast with a temperature that will settle around +21°C. During the morning, the clouds will thin out, leaving room for clear spells and causing temperatures to rise slightly.

In the afternoon, scattered clouds will tend to increase, with the possibility of light precipitation in the late afternoon. Maximum temperatures will be around +24°C.

In the evening, the sky will once again show scattered clouds, but without significant precipitation. Temperatures will drop slightly, but will still remain pleasant around +18°C.

Based on forecast for the next few days in Gravina di Catania, an improvement in atmospheric conditions is expected with an increase in temperatures and generally clear skies. However, it is advisable to stay updated on the weather forecast as sudden changes may occur.

All the weather data for Saturday 25 May in Gravina di Catania

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