The 19th Trento Economics Festival inaugurated

Among the numerous interventions, Fabio Tamburini, Maurizio Fugatti, Franco Ianeselli, Flavio Deflorian, Granfranco Ravasi – The unexpected message of Pope Francis

Talking about the dilemmas of our time means providing the widest possible perspective on the most current issues, for the present and future. From school to artificial intelligence, from transport to economic growth, up to ongoing wars and humanitarian tragedies, without forgetting the energy transition, Europe, space, the many fault lines of geopolitics.
But the inauguration event of the 19th Trento Economics Festival, moderated by the Sole 24 Ore journalists Marta Cagnola and Rosalba Reggio, opens with the words of Pope Francis.
A truly special “out of the bag” for the Festival audience as the director of Il Sole 24 Ore Fabio Tamburini defines it when reading it on stage:
«I am pleased to be able to reach you with a message on the occasion of the 19th edition of the Trento Economics Festival, during which you will be asked to question yourselves on some issues that are particularly dear to me, which require common and responsible reflection on the part of all those who they care about the future of humanity.”
Thus Bergoglio’s message that opens the event enriched by the dialogue between Cardinal Gianfranco Ravasi, president emeritus of the Pontifical Council for Culture (who bid farewell to the event) and Lavinia Biagiotti Cigna, entrepreneur and stylist, president and CEO of Biagiotti Group.

The inauguration of the 19th edition of the Squirrel Festival, entitled «QUO VADIS? The dilemmas of our time”, continues with the interventions of the different entities that make up the team that makes this event possible, organized by the 24 ORE Group and Trentino Marketing on behalf of the autonomous Province of Trento and in collaboration with the Municipality of Trento and the University of Trento.
«This extraordinary event is already demonstrating on the first day how much interest there is from the public.
«A highly effective organizational machine but above all because events and speakers are focused on the questions that everyone is asking: national and local institutions, economic operators, citizens.
«It is not only the Festival of the economy of Trento but of Italy, an event that has a European and international vision», – states Edoardo Garrone, president of the 24 ORE Group.

Fabio Tamburini.

The president of the autonomous Province of Trento reflects on the Holy Father’s message.
Among the five Nobel Prize winners present at this Festival there are two for peace, reasons the president. Therefore, the hope is that in a difficult moment like the current one, important elements can emerge from the debate, to concretely understand which paths to follow to arrive at solutions to conflicts.
From the public’s point of view, continues the president of the Province, the important presence that emerged on the first day testifies that the Festival continues to grow.
An ambition – that of the future development of the event – that Trentino willingly shares with all those who love the Festival: an event that has become a point of reference at a national level, for its ability to be centered on the dialogue between speakers and the public.

The rector of the University of Trento Flavio Deflorian refers to Pope Francis’ message:
«An approach based on humility is also required from the university world that seeks to study phenomena and prepare new generations for the future. The Festival is an arena for debate, a great opportunity to grow and ask at least the right questions.
«As a university we try in our daily activity and in participation in the Festival to contribute to giving tools to the new generations who face an uncertain future.
«If it is not easy for an entrepreneur to plan for five years, it is even more difficult for a twenty-year-old to live without knowing what lies ahead.»

Maurizio Rossini.

«It is wonderful to find ourselves in this setting for the third consecutive year, in a crescendo of popularity and attention of generations.
«More than a festival it has become a party, I say this by seeing so many curious and interested people in the streets of Trento.
«In a few lines the Pope outlined the perimeter of the discussions, the crisis of values, the lukewarm ideals, a period in which the only certainty is uncertainty.
«Given all this, what is the Trento Economics Festival? An intergenerational dialogue in which there is a continuous flow of exchange between young people and those with more experience and a discussion to address the dilemmas of our time”, – thus Mirja Cartia d’Asero, CEO of the 24 ORE Group.

«Our city – these are the words of the mayor of Trento – lives on the dualism between staticity and movement, between the permanence of buildings and infrastructures on the one hand and the vitality of people on the other. The movement is represented by the opportunities for meeting and sharing represented for example by the European Capital of Volunteering and also by the Festival of Economy.
«There is another polarity or rather another alliance that represents Trento well: that between natural and artificial because, as the architect Carlo Ratti suggests, the city of the future must be conceived as an organism that responds in real time to needs of people and the environment”, – concludes the mayor in his message.

The rector Flavio Deflorian.

«With extraordinary numbers, 300 events and more than 900 guests, it is a festival that has taken on a truly important dimension and that draws inspiration from its origins, – the words of Maurizio Rossini, CEO of Trentino Marketing. – In fact, the event was created to open up, to offer moments of discussion to Italy and the world.
«We continue to work in this direction. A reason for satisfaction is seeing how many young people participated in the debates on the first day.
«It’s a positive message: we must valorise ideas, intelligence and “retain” those energies that our young people are often forced to take out of our country with extraordinary results.»

In the second part of the inauguration, the dialogue between Cardinal Ravasi and Lavinia Biagiotti Cigna.
«Knowledge is passion, an element that must enter into the search for truth» states the high prelate, who reflects on the meaning of the “Quo vadis”, Christ’s response to Peter, in which the first apostle questions the complexity of his mission.
«As he takes leave of the event (he will not participate in the next editions), Ravasi, greeted by applause from the room, leaves a poem by Mario Luzi as a gift to the Festival, almost as a testament.

Monsignor Gianfranco Ravasi.

Biagiotti talks about his experience of third relay runner in the company and fashion house: «I come after my grandmother Delia, an emancipated woman, orphaned at 14 in 1928, who started this experience in fashion, and after my mother Laura, who understood the need to transform an atelier into something bigger, in the Sixties when Italian fashion exploded. A way of life that fascinated women and men all over the world and continues to do so.»

Following this, the director of Il Sole 24 Ore Fabio Tamburini delves into the meaning of the Festival edition: an event that serves to «sow that knowledge from which awareness and the possibility of being protagonists arise».
Finally Federico Silvestri, general director of Media & Business, Il Sole 24 ORE, focuses on the FuoriFestival programme, with particular attention paid to new audiences, young people and families: «It is impossible to describe the FuoriFestival, the first thing to do is experience it with the you will find many initiatives.”

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