The March of Values ​​in Imola

“We have chosen not to remain silent!” with this declaration the March of Values ​​began in Imola. Young people not spectators but protagonists of their future. 800 boys and girls gathered in the Prato dell’Osservanza coming from all the schools in the Imola district with sheets, signs, artistic compositions to underline the values ​​underlying legality. A large three-dimensional cardboard tree placed on the stage links all those present to the Palermo square. The story of the schools that participated in the Pope’s meeting organized on 19 April is emotional from the Schools of Peace.

Present in the morning were the mayor Marco Panieri, the vice mayor and councilor for schools, Castellari Fabrizio, the councilor for culture and legality, Giacomo Gambi, the president of the Cassa di Risparmio di Imola Foundation, Rodolfo Ortolani, Dr. Evaristo Campomori, of the Cassa di Risparmio di Imola Foundation, Major Andrea Oxilia, of the Carabinieri, Lieutenant of the Financial Police Giuseppe Marocco, Dr. Angela Piccirillo, deputy director of the Imola Police Department, Teresa Cuciniello contact person Network of Values ​​of Imola, Prof. Maria Di Ciaula representative of the teachers of the Network of Values ​​together with Loredana Grasso, Carla Brezzo responsible for ConCittadini, Giovanna Lovergine President of Scuolare, Roberta Chiarelli member of Scuolare. Francesco Spada presented the morning.

A cry from the boys and girls on the memory of Peppino Impastato turns young people on the symbolic phrase “the mafia is a mountain of shit”. The morning ends with the delivery to the city of the final declarations of the collective writing project “Pact for the Future” of the UN, students exhorted the politicians to take care of their future.

“The day saw the network of schools together and this comforts us because legality and the values ​​underlying our society must have more and more space within the classrooms” says the director Teresa Cuciniello who represents the Network of Values.

“The project What a power Giovanni Falcone! year after year walks in the legs of many young people who, thanks to direct testimonies, become active protagonists and Ambassadors of values. This year, due to its high educational value, the Falcone Foundation has sponsored the project” declares Giovanna Lovergine of Scuolare Aps.

Marco Panieri Mayor of Imola “May 23rd is a symbolic date for the State and the fight against the mafia and every form of injustice and abuse. Together with all the city’s schools, the police forces, school directors and teachers , with hundreds of students, we remember the judges Giovanni Falcone and Paolo Borsellino, the men of their escorts, all the anti-mafia heroes and the values ​​for which they fought. Legality, justice, solidarity, fairness, peace: these are the foundations of the March of Values ​​- Network between memory and future that Imola carries out every year, conveying how much everyone’s commitment can make the difference in this fight”.

Fabrizio Castellari Deputy Mayor of Imola: “it is a great emotion for me to see so many of you here. It means that the schools have done a great job, lining up together to promote this day. You girls and boys are too young to know that thirty-two years ago the Italy was wounded and shocked, with the Capaci massacres, first and then Via D’Amelio, the country, the national community, in all its branches, did not give up and was able to react, making its voice heard loudly, invoking. justice. There are situations in which we must not remain silent and you have chosen not to remain silent. If Italy has been able to progress and do justice it is because society in all its expressions, including you boys and girls, fights against the mafias that continue to be active. This is why we need to keep our guard up and continue to promote the values ​​of legality, justice and peace which are enormous values ​​and you must be proud and carry them in your heart, precisely because they are precious.”

“For years now, as SlULP, the first police union in Italy, we have had the honor and pleasure of collaborating with the Scuolare association; participating and giving our contribution in the realization of this event of the *March of Values* on the national day of Legality for remember the great daily commitment that is carried out to fight against the mafias and to underline the memory that must represent the guiding star to guide the young generations towards their future” adds a regional secretary of the SIULP Giulio Graziano.

Rete dei Valori is made up of the schools of Imola and is made up of:

IC1 Sesto Imolese and Mordano Secondary School, IC2 Innocenzo, IC4 Valsalva, IC5 Sante Zennaro, IC6 A. Costa, IC7 Orsini, San Giovanni Bosco Private School, Rambaldi Valeriani Alessandro da Imola High School, Francesco Alberghetti Higher Education Institute, Agricultural Technical Institute Chemist Scarabelli Ghini, Paolini Cassiano da Imola Higher Education Institute, Ciofs FP.

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