in Mantua the wind at 200 km per hour overturns a freight train, in Cantù a 66-year-old dies, having fallen into a stream

The two days of bad weather in Lombardy caused a lot of damage. Beyond a thousand interventions by the firefighters throughout the region. In the night between Thursday and Friday a disturbance hit the Mantua, where 80 calls were made for fallen trees, torn roofs and flooding. The strong gusts of wind from a “supercell” storm, which they touched 150/200 kilometers per hourthey have a freight train overturned in Borgo Mantovano. A few meters away from the convoys on the ground, a bent rail utility pole until it hits the ground.

The mayor of Borgo Mantovano Alberto Borsari, who was checking the situation in his own town after the passage of a probable tornado, said in a post: «In all my years as mayor I had never seen trains overturned due to the effect of the wind. Incredible scenes also in the nearby homes in via Roma Sud a Villa Poma with roofs uncovered and everything destroyed. Many streets and basements flooded, as well as the RSA in Revere. Really tough situation. Luckily no one was hurt.”

A man who fell into the stream died in Cantù

Critical situation also a Cantù (Como), where a 66-year-old died. Thursday afternoon Mario Porro And fallen into a ditch swollen by the rain. It seems that he was taking some photos to document the situation when the bridge he was climbing on collapsed. The man fell and was dragged by the fury of the water. The accident occurred a few meters from the warehouse Canturino Carnival, in the hamlet of Vighizzolo. The 66-year-old was a volunteer for the association. Another of the volunteers was also falling into the water, but he was grabbed and saved by the third of those present, a young man who managed to grab his friend. However, they couldn’t do anything for the 66-year-old. The two rescued immediately raised the alarm. The firefighters intervened quickly and immediately started the search. The man’s body was discovered on Friday morning, stuck under a branch. The discovery occurred about three kilometers downstream from the point where Porro had fallen into the water.

The interventions in Gessate and Bellinzago Lombardo

In the Milan area, the emptying of cellars and garages continues Gessate and Bellinzago Lombardo, flooded after the storm of recent days. The Est Ticino Villoresi Consortium specifies that theflood was generated by the Trobbie, a torrential watercourse made up of various branches that flow into the Trobbie spillway which in Bellinzago enters the Naviglio Martesana at Villa Fornaci. The general director of the Consortium, Valeria Chinagliaexplained: «The costs of the emergency can be contained if we invest in prevention. The rolling tanks on the Trobbie, which ETVilloresi is designing and building with funding from the Lombardy Region, are an example of this. Both the Inzago tank, already built, and the Gessate one under construction have in fact avoided much worse damage than what unfortunately occurred”.

Sala: we work together with the Region

Even the mayor of Milan Beppe Sala Friday returned to the topic of bad weather and back and forth with the Region. With the governor Attilio Fontana “no controversy” relating to damage management, “we work together and I think we will see each other next week”, he said. “There’s a bit of debate and political teasing,” she added. The situation is now under control, the Bresso tank worked well but it is clear to everyone that faced with these water bombs, which we have to get used to, even the Bresso tank will not be enough. Everyone’s collaboration is needed for the other tanks, including the Lombardy Region.”

Fontana: all protections will be active within one year

On the sidelines of an event, Fontana’s response: «The work is underway and as I have already said we had to start them a little late not through our faults but due to a territorial issue. They are now being completed: one pool has already been completed and another will open later this summer. I am convinced that in the space of a year all the protections that have been envisaged will be effective, so the risk of episodes like the latter occurring again should be definitively eliminated.”

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