Food fraud. Potatoes not “Made in Italy” seized. Coldiretti Puglia intervenes: “Zero tolerance against the risk of agri-food development in Puglia”
It is a risk for health, but also for the country’s economy. New food fraud discovered in Italy, linked to the introduction of baroque potatoes not made in Italy. Approximately 33 thousand kg of product seized.
The trade association intervenes immediately, arguing that zero tolerance is needed against fraud which puts the development of agri-food in Puglia at risk. This is what Coldiretti Puglia states, which applauds the operation of the Guardia di Finanza which led to the seizure of 33 thousand kg of potatoes from abroad sold as Made in Italy.
The results of the law enforcement activity confirm the need to keep our guard up and to tighten the still loose meshes of the legislation with the reform of crimes in the agri-food sector because technological innovation and the new global production and distribution systems make it even more dangerous agri-food fraud which for this reason must be prosecuted with a more adequate punitive system. Also because around 80% of consumers eat potatoes at least once a week and the quality/price ratio stands out among the main purchasing criteria.