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“Beasts? I said no, I’ll be back in September with some nice things”

The Argentine showgirl Belen Rodriguez, who will return to the small screen in September with a new project, talks about herself without filters: from love to the numerous criticisms received over the years up to her future.

Belen Rodriguez Opens Her Heart. Guest of BCT 2024, the Benevento National Film and Television Festival, the Argentine showgirl and presenter he talked about his life, love and above all his career: from Sanremo Festival a Jokes aside until Hyenas.

The confessions of Belen Rodriguez

“After taking a break from television and the world of entertainment, I will be back in September. And with some nice things” he announced Belen Rodriguez during a long interview given on the stage of the BCT, the Benevento National Film and Television Festival. The Argentine showgirl, currently focused on the role of bridesmaid at her sister Cecilia’s wedding, took stock of her career, confessing that the break she decided to take from television was necessary:

For women, being presenters is a little more difficult than for men, who immediately appear as calming figures. Women have to pass a certain age so that people forget about their being good-looking in order to achieve the right credibility to do this job. […] I was afraid that people would not want me anymore, but I needed them. I missed the adrenaline and, above all, I missed the audience. In general I think we should all return to empathy, love, understanding. For ourselves and for our children.

Belen Rodriguez: the relationship with criticism and the revelation about Belve

During his career the criticisms there have been no shortages, but theformer partner of Stefano De Martino he has achieved many goals: from the stage of the Sanremo Festival to programs such as Scherzi a parte and Le Iene and beyond. There Rodriguez in fact, she recalled her past as an actress:

I had little experience in television, but I prepared myself a lot because I’m a big nerd. For women, being a presenter is a little more difficult than for men, who immediately appear as reassuring figures. Women have to pass a certain age so that people forget about their hotness to achieve the right credibility to do this job. I was happy and honored to test myself in important projects like Montalbano and Don Matteo, but I wasn’t up to it. I don’t read the negative comments that arrive on social media, even if I’m sorry to note that 80% of them come from women. It’s something I’ll never understand. I’m thinking, for example, of Chiara Ferragni: regardless of the fact itself and considering that if you make a mistake it’s right to pay in the appropriate places, seeing all the hatred and meanness that has come her way hurts. We need more solidarity, we need more understanding, and less judgment.

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After taking stock of his long career, Belen talked about the possibility of telling her story to Belve, well-known talk show curated and hosted by Francesca Fagnani. To everyone’s surprise, the Argentine showgirl revealed that she had been invited but refused:

They invited me, but I said no. I think it’s a different program from the others, very original and full of spice. But, at the same time, if I were in the presenter’s place (Francesca Fagnani, ed.) I would be more understanding.

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