Italy 24 Press News

other than The Castle of Ceremonies

A new program arrives on Real Time that is not at all sober. The Castle of Ceremonies? Even better probably.

The Castle of Ceremonies is confirmed to be one of the most colorful and noisy programs on the small screen. The Polese family in Campania alternates snippets of daily life between vacations, anniversaries and plantings in their gardens with sumptuous and not at all sober events that are celebrated every day in their castle. The worthy heir to the throne Donna Imma Polese (HERE one of her delicious recipes)after the excellent work of father Antonio and mother Ritacontinues together with a trusted staff who is always active and on the spot.

The public has really become passionate about the format over the years, laughing and even getting excited at the discovery of all the stories that have followed one another from episode to episode. Real time has been focusing for years on programs that are certainly more niche, but which over time acquire an ever-increasing share of the public: just think not only of Polese, but also of Courtesies for Guests e House at First Sight. The great machine does not stop and will soon propose a new format that is not at all sober and contained: here are more details.

Real Time flies high after that The Castle of Ceremonies: the new program coming soon

The Castle of Ceremonies continues its run and it seems to be now and for future seasons, a title aimed at Real Time’s schedules. However, the calendar is enriched and we are always working on new and exciting proposals. Apparently there is something else cooking and the line that the authors and the various productions want to follow is always the one that distances itself as much as possible from sobriety. No negative or derogatory connotation, on the contrary. You can be trashy with grace and eleganceeven if this oxymoron is difficult to conceive, but in the case of the people of Polesine it is like this and that is why people love them.

A scene taken from the latest episodes of Il Castello delle Cerimonie on Real Time

Real Time is aiming for the short airing of a program dedicated to the most shocking houses from North to South: it will apparently be called Baroque houses. Between golden inserts, pillows with bows and imposing statues, it promises to be a container in which to literally get lost. We don’t know if there will be a competition between multiple participants in the various episodes, or if everything will be limited to just the display of the various interiors, the fact is that the most passionate can’t wait. It is impossible to resist a proposal that already seems to be an absolutely brilliant idea.. No details are yet known about the name and possible hosts, the fact is that the only certain thing is a glaring but necessary absence: sobriety.

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