Italy 24 Press News

Sudden mourning in Rai: the well-known face passed away at just 59 years old

He passed away at just 59 years old, the mourning of his Rai colleagues: what happened

Those who work in television, although they do not personally know each of the viewers who follow the programs every day, enter the homes of each of them every day. The public, in fact, becomes fond of the hosts and television personalities that it follows and, after years and years, feels them a little as if they were part of the family and everyday life.

When Fabrizio Frizzi died prematurely, for example, all of Italy stopped and she clutched herself in deep painwhich had its origins in the great sense of injustice that a family man and esteemed professional of only 60 years of age should leave so soon.

He has disappeared in the last few hours another face of Railess visible than Fabrizio Frizzi but equally important and protagonist of one of the most loved programs of this period: that’s who he is.

Rai, what a pain: he himself has disappeared

In the past few hours, Rai’s family has been mourning the premature death of Amedeo Gianfrotta, originally from Caserta and director of Reazione a Catena, the prime-time program today hosted by Pino Insegno. The professional was only 59 years old and, in addition to the Rai 1 summer game, he had also directed the visits of the President of the Republic, Agorà Weekend and Cook for Rai Quirinale. The director, who leaves behind two daughters and a wife, he disappeared suddenly due to an illness and this left his colleagues even more shocked, who were absolutely not ready to say goodbye to him.

Among the first to remember his punctual and precise work and his professionalism was Marco Liorni, who worked alongside him for the long five years during which he hosted Reazione a Catena. “Amedeo has entered your homes discreetly, recounting events in TV studios through his eyes as a scrupulous director and those of his team. Now that he is no longer there, in the emotion I remember many moments spent together, his irony, his encouragement, his messages. Rep“, he said.

Chain Reaction Mourning-ilquotidianodellazio.IT

The funeral

The family announces that the funeral of Amedeo Gianfrotta were held on Monday at 11am in the Church of Our Lady of Lourdes in Caserta. Furthermore, a Rai note expressed the condolences of the director of the Cptv of Naples and all his employees, of the editorial staff, of the production secretariat of Tgr Campania and of the organizational one, as well as of the editor-in-chief.

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