Italy 24 Press News

the soundtrack is a punch in the stomach

Tonight on TV there is an unmissable film, to be seen at least once in your life. Leonardo DiCaprio is the incomparable protagonist for a story that is nothing short of incredible.

A highly respected director, who has brought a series of increasingly fascinating and noteworthy films to the big screen. It seems almost impossible that he doesn’t get at least one Oscar for every release, he’s gotten used to it by now. From Oppenheimer to Dunkirk, a series of performances and plots that leave their mark, films that take center stage at the box office and do not leave for several months after their release date. Do you understand who we are talking about?

Directed by Christopher Nolana 2010 masterpiece will be broadcast on TV tonight with Leonardo DiCaprio and Marion Cotillard. A film that is a must watch at least once in your life, for a journey full of strong emotions to be experienced in one breath. The Oscar-winning actor for his masterful interpretation in The Revenantinterprets Dom Cobba master in the art of extracting secret information from deep within the human subconscious. This film received 8 nominations and has won 4 Oscar Awards. Appointment in prime time, around 9pm on one of the smaller channels of the Mediaset group. If you haven’t chosen the option for this Wednesday yet, this is definitely the right one and you won’t regret it.

Tonight on TV there is an unmissable film with Leonardo DiCaprio: the ending will leave you speechless

The protagonist is an expert in penetrating dreams to extract secrets hidden in the subconscious. One day Saito, a powerful Japanese industrialist hires him to perform an inverse operation: not to extract a secret, but to implant an idea in a person’s mind. The subject is Robert Fischer Jr., who, upon the death of his tyrannical father, must convince himself to destroy the inherited empire. In exchange, Saito offers Cobb the chance to return to the United States, where he is wanted for murder. Cobb assembles a team, including the young girl Arianean architect expert in building virtual spaces.

Leonardo DiCaprio in Christopher Nolan’s film tonight on TV on Channel 20

Nolan brings in Inception complex illusions. Despite the risk of becoming a work that is too cerebral, the director masterfully manages the three levels of the dreamlike unconscious, creating a work that explores the psyche and the mechanisms of cinema, with a light touch on special effects. The film on TV tonight on Canale 20, is a combination of detective story, psychological reflection, melodrama and action film, immersed in a context where the line between dream and reality is blurred. Nolan also includes mythological references such as Arianna, and cinematic ones such as the choice of the song I don’t regret it again with Marion Cotillard. Not to mention the poignant soundtrack that closes the film, which is Time by Hans Zimmer.

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