Italy 24 Press News

Report, the (huge) cost of the 2026 Olympics: Ranucci’s scoop

During the June 23rd episode, the last of the season, Ranucci addresses various topics: from healthcare to politics, from the ‘Ndrangheta to the Olympic Games

Rosanna Ilaria Donato

Web Content Editor

Graduated in Media Languages, I have been dedicated to the world of entertainment for 10 years. I worked as a freelance web content editor for various publications.

In the last episode of Reportson air Sunday 23 June 2024 on Rai 3 and conducted by Siegfried Ranucci we are witnessing four new investigations: from the parliamentarian Antonio Angelucci to the ‘ndrangheta in the Verona Arena, from the 2026 Winter Olympics to the Services Pharmacy. Let’s find out together what happened during the live broadcast, where at the end of the evening the host greets everyone by saying: “Our season ends here“, and then thanks the experts and confirms: “We will keep you company this summer too with some reruns. Thanks for following us, see you next season!

Report, episode 23 June 2024: what happened

The episode begins with the “Blood Pact” investigation dedicated to pharmacists and everything they can do (even without following the FAD course, it seems, given that it is not mandatory at the moment) and not do for customers: from analyzes to prescribing therapies and drugs (only the doctor can, but this , for better or worse, you know) up to a simple blood test. Then we talk about the protocol for carrying out the tests, and we wonder if the above-mentioned course is essential to take blood for these tests, but it seems not: “All pharmacists are able to do this“. From the investigation we discover that no pharmacy uses the same procedure regarding this sampling. Subsequently, the technological tools available used to carry out the tests in laboratories are explored in depth, which are very different from those present in pharmacies. And while in specialized centers the results of the tests must be validated by a responsible director, in the pharmacy there are not the same checks that are carried out in a laboratory, nor the signature of an authoritative figure. Yet the Minister says that there should always be a name on the sheets relating to the values In short, there are no certain rules in this regard for pharmacists, and this is also why they find themselves using different procedures to take blood, for example, is precisely what is asked of those responsible.

Milano Cortina 2026 changes house: the foundation that deals with the Olympics moved to a new headquarters in Milan and on May 21st the Financial Police swooped on the new offices and carried out a series of searches. We are therefore talking about the investigations of the Milan Prosecutor’s Office relating toentrustment of the digital services of the Olympics to a company from Orvieto (alleged corruption) and at hiring (abuse of office). Among the people hired by the foundation in recent years are Livia Draghi, daughter of Mario Draghi, Lorenzo La Russa, son of the President of the Senate and Antonio Marano, among others. A case?! At a certain point the correspondent asks Giovanni Malagò, the director of the Milano Cortina 2026 Foundation “Should there be a deficit, who would pay?” and the man replies rudely: “He knows it perfectly, at this moment he is a guarantee of what local authorities are. Has he discovered now that the partners are the local authorities?“. The journalist presses him: “Why aren’t you more careful about the contracts you sign?“, and Malagò replies: “Why does he say ‘what are you signing’? She knows very well that we don’t sign it, I also take responsibility so she is happy“. At the center of the investigation into the Milan Cortina 2026 Olympics is also the VAS which does not present any writing on the cutting of trees in Cortina (even in areas where it is not permitted to do so) to build a bobsleigh track worth 118 million euros , for which no one seems willing to pay the maintenance and management costs. In short, there is no strategic evaluation at the moment, the works relating to the facility are still underway, but they must be completed by March 2025, otherwise the bobsleigh races will have to be held. carried out abroad, more precisely in Austria.

But after the three weeks of the Olympics, what will happen to the bobsleigh track? Will it end up like the one decommissioned in Turin? There will certainly be additional costs for maintenance: we are even talking about 1.4 million euros a year, but no one seems willing to pay the costs. Last May 14th the Veneto regional council had also approved a draft agreement for the post-Olympic management of the construction, but whoever should pay seems to be unaware of anything. The President of Veneto Luca Zaia, among other things, said: “We’re in the game, it’s not written there but we put in the money. If we expand to confinement municipalities I don’t understand the problem…” But the Report correspondent points out: “They are not willing to pay, as is the Province, while the municipalities want to spend as little as possible… Can you tell me if the Region will put up the money?“The answer is immediate and ambiguous: “I can’t make commitments if I can’t legally confirm them, but I would like the mountain to take care of the mountain a bit. We do our part. If I tell them ‘let’s put a euro’, then they come to ask me ‘where is the resolution?’

We move on to the investigation intoHonorable Antonio Angelucci which, in addition to managing 17 health facilities in Lazio, is the owner of the centre-right oriented editorial group which includes “Libero”, “Il Tempo” and “Il Giornale”. Now the Northern League MP, with 49% of absence in Parliament, aims to increase his political influence: he has set his sights on the Agi news agency, owned by ENI: “It’s as if he wants to make it known that he is there and wants to count“. The “director” of this operation would be the journalist and director of “Libero” Mario Sechi. According to one source, “it is the perfect mediator for the sale of Agi“, which costs between 10 and 12 million a year. But the latter, reached by the correspondent, comments: “Zero. I have no role in the negotiation“. Antonio Angelucci, however, doesn’t really want to talk about this: “I do not speak“. In short, if the sale were to go through, “a concentration of power in the hands of a deputy” is what would derive from it. The focus then shifts to the matter D’Amato-Angelucciwith the latter under investigation for incitement to corruption (and Francesco Storace acquitted) after the complaint by the then Lazio health councilor (we are talking about 2017): Angelucci offered him 250 thousand euros in money to “unblock” the payment of alleged credits from the San Raffaele di Velletri, to which the Region had revoked the accreditation due to serious irregularities. D’Amato himself also remembers a recording in which the deputy told him that he would make him pay: after a few days, in fact, a harsh campaign began against him on The weather. Finally, the parliamentarian does not earn much from the sales of his newspapers – but he wants to buy The Truth and the Agi agency -, but he recovers from healthcare.

The ‘Ndrangheta at the Verona Arena: the investigation talks about the role of Eurocompany (a network of porterage cooperatives whose turnover is equal to 26.7 million euros) of Giorgio Chiavegato and the ‘Ndrangheta. The first is accused of false invoicing, with the aggravating circumstance of having facilitated Calabrian organized crime: some Venetian and Calabrian companies and cooperatives issued “inflated invoices or for work never carried out” to Eurocompany, allowing them to launder their dirty money. From 2007 to 2017, the years in which the mayor of Verona was Flavio Tosi, Eurocompany won all the contracts relating to the assembly and dismantling of the sets and stages of the Arena.

Two correspondents from Reportstherefore, they reached the former mayor of Veneto to obtain clarifications on his relationships with Domenico Mercurioa justice collaborator who revealed: “Every month I bring 150 thousand euros in cash in an envelope. Chiavegato divides the money: 25% is set aside for electoral campaign expenses on behalf of Tosi. Of the remaining 75% he keeps a part; part of it goes to the politicians within the Municipality who rig the tenders in favor of Eurocompany, and finally part goes to Elio Nicito and Casali“. According to Chiavegato, Flavio Tosiit is the political summit of the Verona System“, while the former mayor of Verona snaps at the envoys before hearing about Mercury: “You are serial defamers. Invent the news, practically almost everything you spread is false, biased, biased. I’m talking very seriously, I know you“. In short, nothing of note emerged from the conversation.

The controversies on social media

Meanwhile on social media there is no shortage of controversy about Giovanni Malagò of the users ofDo you have a relative to look after? Report it to Malagò“, “You’re the smart one and we’re the dumb ones. Come on, tell the truth, that’s what you think and in the end you’re right, because we make everything go well. So I correct that, you’re not the smart one, you’re the genius“. It’s still: “But how rude is this Malagò“, “The arrogance of Malagò”, “Those who are in the wrong either respond arrogantly or run away, those with a clear conscience respond calmly“, “But didn’t they say “Olympics at no cost”? Finance arrived before the races“, and finally “Cortina 2026 already in deficit“.

Then the criticism shifts to the choices relating to the trees cut in Cortina and the bobsleigh track: “A tunnel in a landslide area… Excellent“, “3 weeks of racing for 30 years of debt“, “Then when avalanches and floods arrive thanks to deforestation, please don’t bother with the states of calamity that we all have to pay for. Since you vote for people who devastate the territory for money, roll up your sleeves afterwards“. It’s still: “It’s the second time this Cortina story has made me sick… but are we really such vassals?“, “We have the Turin 2006 Bobsleigh track decommissioned and what do they want to do? Move the races to Austria if they don’t manage to build it. Absurd. Imbeciles“.

But it doesn’t end here, because we return to talk about differentiated autonomy (and not only): “In words, everyone wants the bobsled track, but no one wants to give the money for maintenance and management. And imagine what will happen with differentiated autonomy“, or: “I just discovered that Zaia won’t put a single euro towards the management of the Milano Cortina bobsleigh track. So much for differentiated autonomy“, “They shouldn’t have cost anything and they’re already fighting over who should pay“, “In order to make a work for a competition of I don’t know how long we deforest and cut trees. But can we afford it? And wasn’t land consumption prohibited? Everything revolves around GDP but what do we do with a bobsled track after that?

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