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Rai organizes exam. Why

General rehearsals before the debut. Thus, it seems, the effectiveness of the leadership of Stefano De Martino, elected, will be tested successor to Amadeus for the next Your business. But Rai doesn’t want an extra test for the former dancer (as well as Belen’s ex). In theory, he says Dagospiait would be the Banijay production house that has put a kind of preventive veto. Better to test De Martino in the theater, safe from prying eyes, before betting hard on him. Evident then lack of real consensus on the presenter’s name. Rai wanted it, but now it “bends” to a dress rehearsal (since you can no longer make mistakes). Here are the details.

Stefano De Martino, the idea (with distrust) of general rehearsals

He looked like the horse everyone was onwithout exclusion, they had aimed to win. Stefano De Martino, in his unbridled rise (due to clear merits) in recent years as a presenter, had been chosen as successor to Amadeus from Rai. A clear decision. Focusing on the future and on a figure who unites the public, from North to South. But apparently there is more. Perhaps the production company of the famous parcel game, Banijay Italyplaced a semi-veto against De Martino. Better put it to the test before September, because if it doesn’t go well, it would be very difficult to find a worthy replacement for Stefano in the running.

He talks about this hypothesis Dagospia, today, and it seems credible. Waiting for the official investiture of Stefano De Martino, which will arrive on July 19th at presentation of the schedules Rai, there will be a dress rehearsal at the end of June. But how? And how does it work? In practice like this: given Banijay’s doubts, Belen’s ex will have to sweat over the course of very important tests from 24 to 28 June, Teatro delle Vittorie area. Dagospia then adds that We are looking for “special figures of various ages and different physical characteristics for the studio tests as fake competing packers. You need to know how to interact with the host Stefano De Martino, fluency and good diction are requiredcheerful, polite and participatory attitude”.

In short, the message is clear. The contract is fine to De Martino – the weekly Today he even talks about four years at 8 million euros in total – but it’s better to protect yourself. In this tug of war between Rai and Banijay, however, the producer emerges victorious early, thus managing to impose his will and leave the hot potato to Viale Mazzini of having (who knows) made a big mistake in supporting the candidate De Martino. If Stefano does well in the tests, Banijay can reasonably hope for success in September too. If he’s going to hurt, then anything can happen. After all, the production company he much preferred Marco Liorni, as Amadeus’ successor. Because it is well-tested and extremely reliable on pre-evening programs such as Affari Tuoi. Rai then crosses its fingers. And in one case or another, today, there already seems to be a lot of it coming out weakened.

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