Italy 24 Press News

Meghan Markle’s gesture triggers the storm

Meghan Markle he’s back in the storm. After Kate Middleton’s big public return, which she attended along with the rest of the Royal family at the parade for the Trooping the Colourthe wife of Harry has once again brought criticism from the English. The reason? The former actress was accused of trying to steal the limelight from the princess’s triumphant return Wales to official royal duties, months after the world learned of his cancer diagnosis. Here’s what happened.

Meghan Markle, the reaction after Kate Middleton’s return

The Argentine polo player Nacho Figuerasfriend of Meghan and Prince Harry, posted on Instagram photos of the Duchess of Sussex’s raspberry jam just as Kate was arriving at the parade. According to the British media, Meghan and her friend attempted to steal the limelight from Kate. The timing of the latest post on Instagram made many people turn up their noses: the publication came after Meghan’s new venture, American Riviera Orchard (ARO)unveiled the new products, just a few hours before the Princess of Wales made his first public appearance in weeks. A gesture seen as a lack of tact and respect which sparked the anger of the English and beyond.

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