Italy 24 Press News

«New program on the Nine». That’s when

Revenge is a dish that must be served cold and Barbara D’Urso is about to serve the main course, one year after her (forced) farewell to Mediaset and the fiery interview with Repubblica where she accused the private network of having kicked her out after 15 years of “honorable service”.

Nothing confirmed yet, but the hypothesis of an afternoon talk show is very attractive for Nove and Warner Bros. Discovery which is looking for its top host. Could this be the opportunity that Barbara D’Urso was waiting for? And above all, will D’Urso be ready for her revenge against Myrta Merlino, Mediaset and Pomeriggio 5 (broadcast in the same time slot)?

The indiscretion

According to what was reported by Fanpage, Barbara D’urso’s move to Nove is now a done deal, the only thing missing is the signing of the contract, despite the fact that the top brass have recently denied the hypothesis. There are numerous details that suggest the possible transition: «First of all the context, with the Warner Bros. Discovery network fresh from a season of enormous investments and now equipped to compete with the biggest. After the entry of Faziosensational and disruptive in terms of numbers, Nove will welcome next autumn AmadeusRai’s golden goose of recent years, which will bring I Soliti Ignoti to the network’s prime time access and will host a prime time program (it should be La Corrida).”

For the afternoon slot, all eyes would be on Barbara D’Urso who has kept the Mediaset audience company for over 15 years: «You can’t do without daytime, therefore afternoon television. This is where Barbara D’Urso’s role would become crucial. The presenter could in fact fill that void, occupying the same slot that she occupied at Mediaset with Pomeriggio 5, a program which was in fact her television manifesto”, writes Fanpage.

All that’s missing is the official announcement, but D’Urso, in one way or another, will return to the small screen, as she had already anticipated a few days ago.


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The Gazzettino

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