Italy 24 Press News

Endless Love, previews from Türkiye: Kemal leaves prison and the worst is immediately feared

Endless Love previews from Türkiye reveal Kemal’s release from prison. His return to freedom makes us fear the worst.

The second season of Endless Love will be full of twists and turns that will undoubtedly impress Italian viewers. In fact, the previews coming from Türkiye point to a very delicate situation following the Kemal’s return to freedom.

Kemal leaves prison in previews from Türkiye of Endless Love – (

The young boy will finally be able to leave prison after serving his sentence and at that time he will only have one goal in mind, which he will want to pursue with all his might. In the meantime, there is also the Nihan’s surprising gesture towards her husband, which could have serious future repercussions. Let’s go into details to find out what will happen in the next episodes of Endless Love.

Previews Endless Love: Kemal and Nihan’s thirst for revenge

The Turkish previews reveal the end of sentence for Kemal and his subsequent return to freedom. This event will unleash the boy’s thirst for revenge, intent on take revenge on all the people who hurt him. Thirst for revenge also present in Nihan towards her husband Emir.

Kemal will aim to take revenge on those who harmed him – Photo: Mediaset Infinity – (

Everything will start from kidnapping of Deniz of which nothing will be known due to the will of Emir, instigator of the disappearance. Nihan will be forced to return to Istanbul and she will face her husband face to face, who will not hesitate to blackmail her to make the woman return to live in the same house. At that point Nihan will immediately understand that Emir is behind the girl’s disappearance and for this reason he will in no way want to accept his proposal.

Nihan will then decide to set fire to the family house, the one where she grew up and where her childhood and adolescence memories were present. The fire is intended to demonstrate to Emir that he no longer wants to submit to blackmail and that she would never return to him again. With this gesture the woman wants to cut ties with the past and look to the future together with her daughter.

While waiting to discover future plots, the appointment with Endless Love is from Monday to Friday from 2.10pmThe Saturday from 2.45pm and the Sunday from around 2.20pm always on Canale 5. The episodes of the Turkish series can also be recovered via the Mediaset Infinity platform.

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