Italy 24 Press News

Fedez, “beaten” by the judge. No compensation from Martani

Nothing to do for Fedez. The rapper, after years of battles and waiting, receives a less than positive sentence on one old social story. Let’s talk about maxi-compensation that Federico Lucia had demanded from the former Big Brother Daniela Martani, after she offended him and his wife, i.e. Chiara Ferragni, via social media with unpleasant epithets. The fault of the Ferragnez, according to Martani (and also according to much of the web at the time) was that they had wasted food inside a supermarket. Now the judge, who had to clarify the real weight of Daniela’s tweet, agrees with the latter. We see Below are the details of the story.

Fedez vs Daniela Martani, cold shower from the judge:

He wins Daniela Martani, with hers poisonous tweet who targeted exes in 2018 Ferragnez. They had organized one mega-party in a supermarket, with social images highly criticized for the unnecessary waste of food. “I’ve been telling you for years that They’re two idiots, big fat balls”Martani protested on Twitter, “disrespectful of the lives of people and animals. They no longer know what to invent to get people talking about them. Having a party at home was too normal otherwise who will like them”.

Fedez then apologized, as did Chiara. But the image damage it was done, the fans turned up their noses, and the rapper didn’t like Martani’s offensive thrust (certainly not the only one to let herself go on the matter). So there it is report to the judge, infinite process. The criminal proceedings were rejected three times by the prosecutors and the investigating judge of the Court of Rome. It remains alive, however request for compensation super from 100 thousand euros. At least until the last update on the matter.

Today, in fact, the judge considered Fedez’s request totally unfoundedgiven that Martani’s post fell within the right of criticism, and furthermore the terms used in the tweet, such as “idiots” and “big balls” are considered “lawful in light of the context”. This is because the “bizarre and questionable” conduct of Fedez and Ferragni “exposed themselves to understandable and predictable criticisms of the public”. In short, “if a public figure, with millions of followers… independently chooses to share his daily life and, in particular, such an event, needs to also accept criticismeven pungent ones, of its large audience”.

Now it will be Fedez’s turn pay the expenses to Daniela Martani, defended by the lawyer Antonino Polimeni. An epilogue that could have been avoided, perhaps, by letting it pass like so many times. But Federico Lucia’s ego, as made evident by the latest events of this year, wins over everything. Also about common sense. And so, he will pay.

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