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Gianni Morandi said enough and left her: he preferred someone else to her | Official separation

Gianni Morandi: the inevitable separation Source @Instagram –

The news quickly went around the web: Gianni Morandi said enough, the decision was painful, but unfortunately he was forced to do it to feel good again.

Gianni Morandithe famous and beloved singer who made the history of Italian pop music, gave news that in a short time made the around the Internet. The singer made a “radical” decision by deciding to separate from her.

There are many who have remained speechless after this decision taken by Gianni Morandi. We all know his songs by heart, even today he is one of the most loved singers on the Italian musical scene, always capable of renewing and modernizing himself, as we have been able to see and hear from his latest performances in these last editions of the Sanremo Festival conducted by Amadeus.

Gianni Morandi never held back and was never afraid of change, but this “drastic” and well-considered decision it greatly intrigued the singer’s fans who immediately tried to find out more.

The singer managed to make himself known and appreciated even by the younger generations, becoming a social media star. In fact, on Instagram he has 2 million followers of all ages, thanks also to his wife and life partner Anna Dan who helps him manage the social pages.

Gianni Morandi had to say goodbye to her

Between Gianni Morandi and Anna Dan, former manager of an IT company, it was love at first sight. The two met in 1994, but only in In 2004 they got married crowning their happy union. Today I am among couples longer-lasting and more durable and all Gianni Morandi’s love shines through in the happy and smiling photos that the couple publish on the social networks managed by Anna.

Perhaps seeing Amadeus “emancipate” himself from Giovanna, Gianni Morandi also took advantage and decided to “separated” from his wife to manage your social media yourself? Fans of the singer will be happy to know that Gianni Morandi he didn’t say enough to his wife Anna, but to much more because her health was put at risk: here’s what what is it about.

Source @Instagram –

The reasons for the inevitable separation

The singer, born in ’44, has now 79 years old yet he always manages to keep himself in perfect shape, despite his advancing age and the small problems that are starting to appear. For this reason, Gianni Morandi has always been very attentive to his physical well-being.

As we know, the singer always keeps himself in running trainingbut this is not enough and in fact, it had to say goodbye to meat. In reality, the choice was not made too much, opting for an almost vegetarian diet rich in fruit, legumes, vegetables from her gardenpreferring the fish then to the meat.

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