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Chiara Ferragni, the Tuscan orthopedist’s passion is sparked. Who is

New flame in sight for Chiara Ferragni. If on one hand, Fedez he found love again alongside the French model Guarantee Authié (Despite Fabrizio Corona you’re already talking about a breakup between the two), on the other hand the influencer’s name has been approached above all to Tony Effe. According to a new rumor reported by Mam-e and relaunched by DagospiaHowever, Chiara Ferragni would have a new one liaison, but with a new, mysterious, man. It deals with a Tuscan orthopedist who works at Humanitas in Milan and with whom the entrepreneur would have spent her last weekends in Tuscany. Let’s find out all the details.

Chiara Ferragni: the new flame is an orthopedist

The breaking of Ferragnez (with a lot of complicated divorce on the horizon) has unleashed the world of gossip, which continues to closely follow the developments of the private and sentimental life of Fedez And Chiara Ferragni. The rapper would have already forgotten his ex-wife with the young French model Garance Authièwhile the influencer was caught by the paparazzi at dinner with Tony Effe. The ex-Dark Polo Gang rapper, however, would remain just a friend; as hypothesized by a rumor launched Mam-e and reported by DagospiaIn fact, Chiara Ferragni would have set her eyes on another man.

“Very well-informed voices from Versilia report that Chiara Ferragni’s new flame is not Tony Effe, but a Tuscan orthopedist born in 1993 who works at Humanitas in Milan” we read on the portal. According to the latest rumors, the Cremonese businesswoman would have met the doctor – this Andrea B. – thanks to mutual friends during his recent holidays in Forte dei Marmi and he would have spent the last ones weekend in Tuscany right together with his new flame. Two weeks ago Chiara Ferragni was spotted in a restaurant in Milan (the city where the orthopedist works) in the company of a mysterious man: Is it really him?

Dagospia’s scoop: “His name is Andrea Bisciotti”

A few hours after the news was disclosed, Dagospia added new details regarding who would be Chiara Ferragni’s new love. “The doctor who caught the influencer’s attention – we read on Roberto D’Agostino’s website – is called Andrea Bisciotti. He is Tuscan, graduated from the University of Parma, works at Humanitas in Milan, angelic and sculpted abdominal. On Instagram the little-known Bisciotti has Chiara Ferragni as an exceptional follower. On social media he shows a comfortable life.” Ferragni’s follow-up, therefore, could be a revealing clue to the budding relationship with the doctor.

Is the Tony Effe chapter closed?

If the rumors of a new love were to be confirmed, you can bet that the love life of Chiara Ferragni will return to occupy all the front pages of the world of gossip and romance news, but will also definitively close the rumors of one possible liaison with Tony Effe. The influencer had been approached by the Roman rapper after one dinner together and, to further complicate the situation, his girlfriend had taken care of it Taylor Mega, who had written on Instagram “Feel ridiculous”, perhaps teasing Chiara by quoting her slogan “Feel free” from Sanremo. Speculation, however, may have come to an end.

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