Italy 24 Press News

Naples, concerts at the Plebiscite and chaos: «It’s hell»

Music and rules, celebration and warnings. Major events, as we know, generate positive impacts, but they also produce inconveniences and the need to deal with them. In addition, without taking anything away from the live shows that will bring the names of singers on the crest of the wave to the city and tens of thousands more tourists, it should be remembered that the concerts of Gigi D’Alessio in Piazza del Plebiscito – with the related traffic restrictions which include the closure of Via Nicotera, one-way streets Serra and via Chiaia and the suspension of the blue lines throughout the area – the European elections will overlap today and tomorrow. And many public transport employees (similarly to those of other subsidiaries) will take part in the operations at the polling stations as scrutineers or, in the majority, as list representatives. Last but not least: yesterday, after a meeting in the Municipality, it has been postponed from 5pm to 8pm the suspension of land occupation for the bars in the area on the days of the concert.

The atmosphere

Plebiscito and its surroundings completely pedestrianised, since yesterday, for D’Alessio’s first date at the Plebiscito, who will also perform today, tomorrow, 11th, 12th, 14th, 15th and 16th June. The atmosphere in the area is chiaroscuro. Just yesterday afternoon, a meeting was held in the Municipality between traders and the administration on the management of land occupations. The meeting postponed the suspension of ground occupations by three hours: «We welcome the postponement to 8pm, established by the Municipality of Naples, of the closure of commercial activities, on the occasion of Gigi D’Alessio’s concert-events, compared to initial intention of the Police Headquarters to bring forward the closing to 5pm – comments the president of Confesercenti Naples and Campania Vincenzo Schiavo – We thank the Councilor for Tourism, Teresa Armato, who understood and accepted the needs of our companies”. «These events are positive, because they generate territorial marketing – explains Massimiliano Rosati of the café of the same name and Gambrinus – I sympathize with the complaints of traders who will have to remove the tables, like us. As far as we are concerned, it is a small deprivation that we accept with a view to a future return to our image.”

The rules

Let’s move on to the rules. Off-limits for traffic via Nicotera and via Serra. From 6pm, on the days of the concert, the Municipality has ordered «a ban on vehicular transit in the carriageways of Piazza del Plebiscito in front of the Prefecture and Palazzo Salerno, in Via Solitaria, Piazzetta Salazar, Rampe Paggeria, in Via San Carlo and in Piazza Trieste and Trento, in via Nicotera”. A one-way system is also planned in Piazza Carolina and Via Chiaia. From midnight, there will be a parking ban with forced removal and the suspension of reserved and paid parking (blue lines) in Piazza Trieste e Trento, via San Carlo, via Riccardo Filangieri Candida di Gonzaga, via Vittorio Emanuele III, via Acton, between Galleria Vittoria and via Console, piazzetta Carolina, via Serra, via Console, via Nazario Sauro and Paggeria ramps”. Always on concert days, between Plebiscito and the surrounding area, the ban on the sale of drinks that are not in plastic or paper cups applies from 12pm. Also foreseen is «the temporary suspension of the authorization to occupy public land for commercial establishments from 8pm until the day following the concert in piazza Trieste e Trento, via San Carlo, via Console (up to Santa Lucia) and to the colonnade”. Penalty for violators: fines from 25 to 500 euros.

The knots

Aside from the coincidence between concerts and elections, in the last few hours the lawyer Annalisa Senese sent a formal notice via certified email to the Municipality and Municipality 1. «The Municipality of Naples has long since begun to authorize the holding of outdoor events in public places in Piazza del Plebiscito, with concerts and evening events, even of prolonged duration, for several evenings in a row – we read in the document – A large number of residents in the neighborhood have expressed opposition to these events which prevent us from attending, for many hours, to the normal habits of daily living and impact on citizens’ right to health, promoting a collection of signatures to submit the issue to the competent authorities, collection of signatures, available.

If an input exceeding the normal tolerability is found, the undersigned will be forced to appeal to the judge of Naples to protect his and his family’s right to health, requesting that emissions harmful to health be inhibited and that the damage to psychophysical integrity caused by such emissions be compensated”. “It is unfair not to give a voice to many residents of the area forced to suffer these events,” adds the city councilor Gennaro Esposito.

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