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Stefano De Martino lying on the ground after a bad accident: the crash makes you hold your breath

Stefano De Martino was the victim of a bad accident live, a crash that made fate hold back and him fall to the ground.

During the last episode of “Tonight Anything is Possible” the well-known presenter Stefano De Martino he experienced a moment of great apprehension, leaving the audience in suspense. Right at the beginning of the broadcast, De Martino was involved in an accident which could have had very serious consequences. Slipping on a wet floorfell badly and crashed his back against the stairs located in the center of the stage.

For a moment, the entire studio was silent, worried about the condition of the host, who was lying on the ground apparently in pain. The accident occurred while Stefano was playing “Crazy Cup,” a game that involves moving on a floor deliberately made slippery.

Despite the obvious danger, De Martino, perhaps galvanized by the recent confirmation of his contract with Rai, decided to run around the entire studio, without paying too much attention to the dangers of the wet ground. Arrived on the stairs at the center of the stage, the presenter slipped violently, falling to the ground.

It is clear that in a program as dynamic as “Tonight anything is possible” these incidents can happen: the strange thing is that they happen to a former dancer who should be able to stay balanced. Everything happened very quickly and caught up in the heat of the show and hindered by external contingencies such as water on the floor, he didn’t realize he had done a somewhat “extreme” movement that led to a disastrous fall.

All’s well that ends well

Fortunately, after a few moments of tension, Stefano De Martino once again demonstrated his ironic spirit and quick reflexes. He got up smiling, demonstrating that, despite the bad fall, he had not been seriously hurt. His reaction immediately played down the situation, turning potential drama into a moment of levity and laughter.

However, the accident underlined the professionalism of Stefano De Martino, who was able to manage the situation with great elegance. His ability to take the fall con irony and continuing the show without showing signs of discomfort confirmed once again why he is so appreciated by the public and Rai.

Stefano De Martino is the future in Rai

The recent renewal of his contract for another four years is a testimony to his talent and charisma, which make him one of the most loved faces on Italian television. In addition to his obvious beauty, which does not go unnoticed, Stefano De Martino was able to win the hearts of spectators thanks to his competence and his friendliness. His career on television was characterized by constant growth, which led him to become a versatile and appreciated presenter. His unique style, which mixes elegance and humor, makes him perfect for programs like “Stasera Tutto è Possibile,” where lightness and fun are fundamental elements.

Despite the accident, De Martino continued to joke and make the audience smile, demonstrating that even a fall can become a moment of spectacle. The ability to minimize and calmly face the unexpected events of his profession makes him an example of professionalism and humanity. The audience welcomed his quick wit and his return to hosting immediately after the fall with great applause and laughter.

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