Italy 24 Press News

Stefano De Martino, the young man with great hopes that everyone likes (even Rai)

And so, for the new TV star, former dancer of Friendsex-boyfriend of Emmaex-husband of Belénfuture parcel man, secured with a four-year contract with Rai – astonishing salary of 8 million euros according to Todaysouvenir photo of the signing with Rai top management Giampaolo Rossi and Roberto Sergio and the announcement of the agreement given on Tg1 at 8pm, in case anyone was distracted – political fantasy is unleashed. Amadeus left a void to fill. But it’s possible that Stefano De Martino, 34 years old, from Torre Annunziata, in Rai under austerity, has he had the indispensable star upgrade without anyone’s protection? Many have asked this. Okay, he did Made in Southhe invented himself Bar Stella in the (faded) wake of the brilliant world of Renzo Arbore; ok, he was fine Tonight anything is possiblea show full of comedians, but all this emphasis seemed frankly exaggerated.


The voice that behind the unstoppable rise was the first sister Arianna Meloni — vox populi “big fan” — has become increasingly insistent. To the point that the prime minister’s sister, responsible for the membership and political secretariat of the Brothers of Italy, denied it: «I believe that we are faced with a sociological phenomenon, which should be explored in greater depth in universities: creative gossip journalism. I have never had the opportunity to meet Stefano De Martino, I watch TV very little and I am not interested in the dynamics in Rai, I only deal 24 hours a day with Fratelli d’Italia and the extraordinary electoral campaign we are carrying out in the territories. Fantasy for fantasy’s sake, I much prefer great sagas like the to creative journalism Game of Thrones».

Having noted that he prefers blockbusters with bloodshed, betrayals and alliances to gain power, the hypothesis has been given credence that someone was more realistic than the king, or rather, the queen in this case. When in doubt, in Viale Mazzini they must have thought that it was better to align themselves anyway. If everyone likes him and everyone talks about De Martino, there must be a reason.


How it went (and it should not be underestimated that it is represented by the manager Beppe Caschettoa power, capable of making a schedule on its own: continues Fabio Fazio, Luciana Littizzetto, Geppi Cucciari, Alessia Marcuzzi, Enrico Brignano, Sabrina Ferillijust to name a few), next season the young man with high hopes will be at the helm Your business. Rai entrusts him with the access prime time game, Rai 1’s ratings safe.

Determined, the look of a womanizer, evident tweaks here and there (disproved by Beasts), Fazio singing his praises as a showman, De Martino knows it’s his moment and carries on. Arbore as a model, the desire to grow, has the awareness of having been Mr. Belén for years. «Labels diminish by definition» he explained in an interview with Republic. «I always believed in what I wanted to do. At 23, given the kind of ambition I had, it was disheartening to think that I was just a shadow of someone else. I wanted to show that there was more. But perhaps in those years I didn’t communicate much else, and being just “Mr. Belén” was fine. Maybe I would have defined myself that way too.”


Dancer father, apprenticed in the rehearsal room – industrious youth, fruit crates to unload included – scholarship to dance school in New York, proud of being “partly analogue”, vintage boy, learned discipline from Maria De Filippi: «The first to arrive, the last to leave: she taught me dedication to work».

In the contract with Rai there is an option for the 2027 Sanremo Festival, for some it could take the stage at the Ariston in an evening already this year, alongside Carlo Conti. Maybe. He explained that he wanted to arrive at Sanremo “with a few gray hairs, to crown a career”. But you know, in life you can change your mind.

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