Italy 24 Press News

Simona Ventura slim and lean at almost 60 years old: nothing but sacrifices, the secret of her figure is the weekend cheat

Simona Ventura (Source Ansa)

Simona Ventura, in super shape at almost 60 years old. The slight to which she just can’t say no.

A woman strong, courageous And determinedwhich allowed her to earn the nickname Super Simo, as well as an immense professional. This is Simona Venturawho is still one of the Italian presenters most loved by the general Italian public of any age. She is, undoubtedly, a woman who loves challenges and who knows take life head on.

Equipped with a big heartAnd very sensitive and puts i feelings always come first. In love with hers Giovanni Terzi, is about to marry him, to the immense joy of the couple’s admirers. The two made the news official during a guest meeting at Beautiful Maled by his friend Pierluigi Diaco.

Simona Ventura was able to show off her dancing skills at the court of Milly Carlucci. In fact, she participated in Dancing with the Starsin which not only her charming partner but also her friend was present Paola Peregowith which he leads Rai Due intercom Sunday morning. Simona he also got to have fun hiding in the Star Mask in the last edition aired of The Masked Singer.

And it is precisely in this latest participation that the jurors they had underlined how much she was in great shape. And even now it is, despite yes you are approaching 60 years old. The merit? Certainly of Mother Nature who was very magnanimous with her, but also of the constancy of the presenter In the practice physical activity And such a healthy sport.

Simona’s physical form is always at the top

After all, Simona Ventura has always been one since she was a girl great sportswoman. He also follows one with extreme attention detox dietas well as aprofoundly balanced diet. He has long since eliminated it from his table coffee, carbonated drinks And alcoholic. He then greatly limited the consumption of low-lean meats and cheesesas well as fried and fatty foods.

Does stockpile of fruit and vegetablespossibly fresh and seasonal and try to keep yourself constantly hydrated, not only in the hottest periods, but in all seasons. Despite this it is there a food that she can never give up. In fact, he sees it as a sort of cuddle to share with friends and people she loves, and who repays her for her rigorous and controlled lifestyle.

Paola and Simona – Instagram – Depositphotos –

The snark to which Super Simo he can’t say no

Apparently the Ventura it goes literally crazy about pizza. His favorite seems to be the margherita pizza. However, this is no mystery as his fans, especially early ones, know his story historic photos of Sunday pizza which she herself loves to share on social media, in particular on Instagram.

A very special moment in this regard he experienced with Paola Perego, also intent on enjoying the same delicacy. Apparently, however, in her case it was pan pizza. In short, a sin of gluttony on the evening of the holiday there is, but then from Monday Simona he immediately gets back in line with his own usual determination and his beautiful smile on his face.

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