Italy 24 Press News

Serena Bortone on the disciplinary measure: «I only told the truth. Now I decide how to proceed with a lawyer and the union”

Serena Bortone says she is “calm” after learning that she has a disciplinary measure from Rai hanging over her for the Scurati case of 25 April. However, she has no intention of remaining helpless and, urged by The Republic during his appearance in the Robinson Arena at the Book Fair, he made it known that he was talking to a lawyer and the union to understand how to deal with the issue. “I only told the truth,” says the journalist and presenter of What will be. He does not go further than Bortone, who recognizes that he is in a particularly delicate moment in his professional life. In fact, he prefers to talk about his book: «My first novel is a story that was inside me and I experienced when I was a teenager. At that moment we all feel insecure and fragile”, he tells the Salone about his autobiographical novel, Close to you so sweet, which is about love, deception, betrayal and friendship. Yesterday, the CEO of Rai, Roberto Sergio, announced that he had initiated disciplinary proceedings against the journalist Bortone for “damage to her image”.

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