Italy 24 Press News

Corsi and Maionchi, ‘ready to dress as Abba at Eurovision’ – L’Eurovision

Angelina Mango is in full rehearsals, the now well-established couple Gabriele Corsi-Mara Maionchi is ready to fly to Sweden and in Malmo the anticipation mounts. In fact, from 7 to 11 May, the Eurovision Song Contest, the most watched non-sporting event in the world, returns. 37 nations competing, with 27 solo singers (18 women, 9 men), seven duets and three groups. Representing Italy, as usual, is the artist who won the Sanremo festival: it is therefore Angelina Mango’s turn with La Noia.

“After rehearsing I am more serene – says the young artist, during a short break from rehearsals -. I want to go on stage and enjoy it. I don’t want to think about the competition, but about the event, which is the celebration of music and the union of countries This is his strong point and I want to live it like this.” To impress the European audience, Angelina relied on the world-famous Greek-Turkish choreographer Mecnun Giasar. “An honor to work with such a great artist”, added Angelina who was the protagonist of an unpleasant spoiler. In fact, part of her performance was made known, after the release of an internal Rai email. No problem for

the competition (on stage, among other things, there was not the Lucanian singer, but a sort of stunt double), but Viale Mazzini reported the fact to the EBU, even if a violation of “cyber security” was ruled out.
Also ready in the starting blocks are the hosts of the Italian version Gabriele Corsi and Mara Maionchi, a couple confirmed for the second consecutive year, even if this year, due to Maionchi’s television commitments, they will only be together for the final. “I want to become the Pippo Baudo of Eurovision and host all the next editions”, reveals Corsi, a great fan of the event, in his fourth experience with it.

“I approach the event with great attention – says the talent scout -. At the beginning I struggled to get into it because I’m a bit old, but it’s formidable because it unites us all, with the ability to make European music”. The two promise to go on stage in Malmo dressed as Abba (this year marks the fiftieth anniversary of Waterloo) if Angelina beats the competition. “It won’t happen again, but if it happens again…”, is Corsi’s superstitious wish, the same one that brought luck to the Maneskin in 2021.

However, the demonstration cannot fail to take into account the delicate international situation and the demonstrations announced for next week. Today the EBU, the European Broadcasting Union which organizes Eurovision, reiterated that Palestinian flags – like the one that appeared yesterday on the stage of the May Day concert in Rome – will not be able to enter the Malmo Arena and that they will be admitted – as the regulation provides – only the flags of the countries participating in the event, therefore also that of Israel. “Aware of the complex and painful moment on the international front, we agree with the vision of the EBU and wish to underline that we are against any form of abuse or harassment aimed at participants, online or offline, instead encouraging a constructive and respectful debate for the artists competing in the Eurovision Song Contest”, said Rai president Marinella Soldi, in connection with the presentation at the Rai headquarters. “A very complex job was done for the approval of the texts – added Simona Martorelli, director of International Relations and European Affairs Rai – to avoid any type of exploitation, because ESC is not a political event but a musical one. It is not a competition between governments”.

The two Eurovision semi-finals will be broadcast on Tuesday 7 and Thursday 9 May in prime time on Rai2, preceded by two previews (also on RaiPlay and Radio2). The final is scheduled on Rai1, in prime time on Saturday 11 May.
Compared to the past, something new: the Big 5 (Italy, France, Germany, Spain and the United Kingdom) together with the host country, Sweden, (already qualified by right for the final) will perform live during the semi-finals.

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