Jennifer Lopez and Ben Affleck’s Artworks Bought Together Up for Sale

The fairytale wedding between Jennifer Lopez e Ben Affleck is crumbling under the watchful eye of paparazzi and gossip experts, ready to pick up any clue of the now full-blown crisis while waiting for the moment in which the interested parties decide to announce that, after many attempts, their love story has come to an end.

Artworks purchased as a pair for sale

Just a few days ago, confirmation arrived from the United States that Hollywood star moves from the Beverly Hills mansion purchased with Jennifer Lopez just a year ago for 60 million dollars and put back on the market a few weeks ago. In the last few hours, yet another clue: the future ex-couple has decided to put up for sale also the valuable objects and the many works of art purchased together during these two years of marriage.

Sources close to the couple have confirmed that the decision to put the mega-mansion and valuables inside it up for sale was made in early June, months after the difficult decision to separate. Rumors began circulating insistently after Lopez’s solo appearance at the 2024 Met Gala on May 6, but the New York Post reports that the crisis would have exploded at the beginning of March, when the couple started living in separate houses.

Why JLO and Affleck’s Marriage Ended, Rumors

The reason, always according to sources close to the star of Good Will Hunting e Argoshould be sought in the awakening of the 51-year-old from what has been defined as “a bad dream”. Affleck, already legato to Jennifer Lopez from 2002 to 2004he would have been carried away by the enthusiasm of the actress and pop star after their reunion in 2021, forgetting the reasons that 20 years earlier had led to the end of that relationship: “He feels that the last two years have only been a dream and now he has woken up and realized that there is no way to make this work”, a source confided to Page Six.

Matt Damon close to his friend to prevent him from drinking again

In this difficult period, two people have reportedly gotten closer to the actor and director in an attempt to avert the risk that the 51-year-old might start drinking again: his ex-wife and mother of his three children Jennifer Garner, with whom Affleck has always remained on good terms, and his long-time friend Matt Damon. A source told DailyMail that Damon is “working desperately to keep Ben from drinking again,” as he did two decades ago after the end of his first relationship with the pop star.

Affleck and his alcohol problems

Affleck non ha never hid his problems with alcoholbut after the end of his marriage to Jennifer Garner he spoke more explicitly about it: “Feeling trapped in that relationship led me to drink. What I did was drink a bottle of Scotch and fall asleep on the couch, which turned out not to be a solution. If I had stayed married, I would probably still drink,” the actor and director admitted in 2021, six years after his divorce from the actress.

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