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Elisabetta Gregoraci, outburst over plane delay in Sardinia

Elisabetta Gregoraci, outburst over plane delay in Sardinia
Elisabetta Gregoraci, outburst over plane delay in Sardinia

Elizabeth Gregoraci loses patience. Yesterday, Monday 1 July 2024, the Calabrian showgirl was the unfortunate victim of a airport mishap. Returning from a weekend at the seaside in Sardinia, in fact, Flavio Briatore’s ex-wife returned home much later than expected, since her flight was delayed heavy delayThe presenter certainly didn’t mince her words. compagnia low cost with whom he traveled, posting a long photo on Instagram vent for what happened. Let’s find out What he said.

Elisabetta Gregoraci, the outburst against the low-cost company

After the various stops in “his” Calabria, in Lampedusa and then in Capri, last weekend Elizabeth Gregoraci he left Monte Carlo to set off for the Sardinia for a weekend at the seaside. After the days of relax between boat trips and breathtaking sunsets shared with your family follower on Instagram, however, the return at the showgirl’s house was complicated to say the least. Once at the airport, in fact, the presenter discovered that her volo would have suffered a heavy delay. “While I’m here at the airport, four hours late, I’m happily looking back at the photos of this weekend I just spent in Sardinia,” wrote Flavio Briatore’s ex-wife on social media.waithowever, it continued even longer and Elisabetta Gregoraci has lost patiencethrowing himself against the low cost airline which dealt with the flight and in general against the transports of the island.

“To be applauded! But what a shame. I have to say that travelling is becoming more and more complicated nowadays.. I do it very often for work or pleasure, but they make the situation increasingly difficult” the showgirl began in an Instagram story that served as a long vent, complete with photos of the plane and the low-cost company tagged. “I’ve been here at the airport since this morning at 10, I should have been home hours ago and instead I’m still here” thundered the former presenter of Live Beats (passed to Ilary Blasi). “But the serious thing is not only the accumulated delay, but the people treated like beasts. Why? There were no announcements here, not even half a notice” explained Elisabetta, also adding a attack on the steward arrived at the end of the shift: “And sweet at the bottom they make us board and then block us because they have to do a sudden crew change so we’re still waiting without even being able to sit down and get some water! You should be ashamed”.

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