Rosa Perrotta ‘erases’ Pietro’s family: the speech on values

Rosa Perrotta ‘erases’ Pietro’s family: the speech on values
Rosa Perrotta ‘erases’ Pietro’s family: the speech on values

Rosa Perrottain the last few hours, among his Instagram Stories, he made a rather controversial post appear. On the one hand he warmly thanked his family members closer, namely its parents and his brothers (he has two, Donato and Gerardo), on the other hand has ‘erased’ the partner’s family Pietro Tartaglionenot mentioning it and concluding with a very harsh sentence: “This is family, the rest is called being born under the same roof.” But let’s proceed in order and summarise the story which has rather intricate connotations.

The former tronista, in the post in question, revealed that in the last few days she and Pietro were able to participate in a party of a friend and that their two childrenAchilles and Ethan, were with the uncles who offered to babysit. “This is just another thing we have been able to do thanks to THEM. They are all that is real and profound that we have”, Rosa underlined, adding that without their uncles, they often wouldn’t have been able to do things. “Here, this is my family. Now do you understand why we love each other so much?”highlighted the influencer.

He then went on to explain that “no one turns their back, because we are there for each other, because there is selfless and real love, because no one is abandoned”. “My parents taught us to be like this. Luckily. And if it is true that I will have to explain things to my children, I certainly will not have to explain to them what it means to have two great grandparents and two uncles who filled them with love. This is family, the rest is called being born under the same roof”, concluded the former tronista by tagging his brothers.

Pietro’s family was not included in the postIt is striking that Perrotta has underlined with full awareness “two grandparents and two uncles”without taking into account the relatives of her partner. In the past there have been rumors of tensions between her and Pietro’s sisters. Then there is the matter concerning the father of the former suitor, Domenico, a 64-year-old lawyer who is accused of aggravated fraud against young unemployed people from Caserta.

According to what has emerged, Domenico Tartaglione would have promised jobs in exchange for large sums of money, ranging from 25 thousand to 30 thousand euros.

It is not clear whether these events have influenced the bond between the family formed by Rosa and Pietro and the family of origin of the latter. It is clear, however, that even on social media the relatives of the former suitor practically never appear in the posts of the former tronista. Quite the opposite of his parents and his brothers. As highlighted above, it is particularly noteworthy that Perrotta wrote such a clear post in the last few hours in which she highlights a series of issues relating to family values ​​without in any way mentioning in-laws e cognate. It’s true that Mulino Bianco families don’t exist.

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