Italy 24 Press News

“An essential health service for the population is at risk”

Arezzo, 20 June 2024 – “It is absolutely necessary that the Tuscany Region works quickly to start the experimentation in time that will lead to the full realization of the Service Pharmacy”.

Federfarma Arezzo keeps a high level of attention on this, also through the words of president Roberto Giotti who, representing the over 100 private pharmacies in the Arezzo area, warns that “an essential health service for the population, especially in rural areas, is at risk”.

Federfarma Arezzo therefore raises the alarm to citizens: “If the Tuscany Region does not quickly promote the necessary procedures, the implementation of the Services Pharmacy, promised several times directly by President Giani himself, will be skipped.”

It must be taken into account that, in addition to Lombardy, almost all the other Regions have already taken concrete steps and, with specific administrative acts, have effectively and practically taken steps with determination to set the experimentation phase in motion: Piedmont, Friuli-Venezia-Giulia , Veneto, Liguria, Emilia-Romagna, Umbria, Lazio, Campania, Puglia, Calabria, Marche, Abruzzo, Molise, Sicily, autonomous provinces of Trentino-Alto Adige.

“Some of the new services envisaged in the new Pharmacy project – explains Giotti – are truly fundamental innovations for the benefit of citizens. I will give two examples of what the Lombardy Region has just implemented: telecardiology under a reimbursed regime, i.e. free for the Citizen, as part of the service pharmacy experimentation, which will be able to help reduce the problem of waiting lists and promote prevention cardiovascular, and pharmacological recognition, which in turn will promote greater therapeutic adherence in chronic patients, reducing the risk of improper use of medicines”.

“This demonstrates – explains the president of Federfarma Arezzo – how the service pharmacy is now at a national level one of the cornerstones of the new course of Territorial Healthcare, and we would like the Tuscany Region to also be able to strongly believe in the capillarity and accessibility offered from the widespread network of pharmacies as indispensable and irreplaceable socio-health facilities in the area, for increasingly local healthcare”.

“We are therefore waiting for the right and necessary response expectations to materialize – insists Giotti – both on the regional transposition of the national regulation of the Pharmacy of Services, and on the due planning and reporting of the current experimental phase, with the current deadline of 12/31/ 2024, of the related Services envisaged by the national operational protocol, based on what has already been decided by the Regions themselves at the State-Regions conference together with the Government, Regions, Federfarma and Assofarm”.

Currently, in fact, the Tuscany Region is only proposing a Council resolution to amend the old law n.16/2000 on “Self-diagnosis” in the Regional Council with reference only to Ministerial Decree 69/2019, without the content of the relevant proposal making any reference to all the other important Services provided for by the National legislation on the “Pharmacy of Services”, such as the effective care of the patient in chronic diseases (COPD, heart failure, diabetes) with related expected monitoring and therapeutic adherence, such as telemedicine services ( ECG, cardiac holter, blood pressure holter, spirometry) activation of the electronic health record.

Currently, only one DGRT is foreseen for carrying out “Colorectal Screening” through local pharmacies, a very small thing.

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