Italy 24 Press News

«Come walk with me every Thursday»

VALDOBBIADENE – Initiative of the mayor Luciano Fregonese to improve the physical health and mental health both personally and of its citizens. The mayor, reconfirmed with flying colors in the last electoral round, has decided to “declare war” on laziness and to staticity by organizing walks on a weekly basis, which will be useful to those who want to participate in losing a few kilos and talking during the journey. In a post that appeared on social media, Fregonese explains his idea of ​​him like this: “Driven by people who love me and my health, I am convinced. Every Thursday evening, from 7.30pm to 8.30pm (barring unforeseen circumstances), I will take a walk in one of the beautiful hamlets and villages of Valdobbiadene. Anyone can join the walk and can take the opportunity to ask me questions and make reports and complaints or even just one chat together. The only condition is to start and finish the hour-long walk while maintaining my pace, which is certainly not that of an athlete. It starts on Thursday 20 June with a meeting in Piazza Mons. Guadagnini a Bigolino, in front of the municipal pharmacy; departure at 7.30pm sharp”.

The walks will be an innovative way of bringing citizens closer, who will be able to speak directly to the mayor while walking along chosen routes in the Valdobbiadene area. While the most remote places of the “capital” municipality of the Unesco Hills will be reached, we will be able to talk and build community, burning calories and consolidating the sense of belonging.

“These walks they are a further means for citizens to hear the nearest mayor; by walking, we will set in motion the desire to move to feel better and improve our psychophysical conditions. Obviously those who don’t feel like walking for various reasons can always come in city ​​Hall where it will always be welcome, and I am especially addressing elderly people or people with limited availability of movement – continues Fregonese – The walks are not a ‘replacement’ for ordinary municipal services, which will remain unchanged for everyone, but just something more to return to to walk and move”.

The invitation is addressed to everyone and the one hour journey it will be accessible to adults and children. We will start as specified in the mayor’s post from Piazza Mons. Guadagnini, in Bigolino. The mayor assures that it will not be a race but a simple walk with friends on a flat route that will be repeated every Thursday at the same time. “I hope that the initiative finds consensus among my fellow citizens – concludes Fregonese – I will make a post on my Facebook profile every Monday evening, explaining and anticipating the village with the meeting point on the following Thursday. We have 15 villages and 6 hamlets available, in addition what a center of Valdobbiadene, we will cover them all, one a week”. An innovative and certainly inclusive system that will bring benefits to all those who want to follow the mayor in this “crusade” against laziness, perhaps discovering unknown places and creating new friendships.


Read the full article at
The Gazzettino

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