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«There is a smell of doping here, but used well…». This is how she responds to the haters

Elisabetta CanalisHe often posts videos or stories of his hard workouts in the gym: lifting weights, push-ups with dumbbells and endless squats and sit-ups. Moreover, the former showgirl of Striscia la Notizia has always been a great sports fan and, on more than a few occasions, she has revealed that her toned physique is the result of years of training and the consistency with which she has always played sports. Below her latest video in the gym, Elisabetta responded in kind to a comment regarding the doping which was intended to be joking but which turned out to be quite the opposite.

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The answer from Elisabetta Canalis

Squats on a bench with a dumbbell and then changes of arms and legs, push-ups with a medicine ball and finally exercises for arms and shoulders with the help of the cables of the specific tool. This is the sequence that Elisabetta Canalis he showed in the latest video he published on Instagram and the caption that accompanies it is simply the emoticon of a tomato because he is wearing a red sports outfit. There were many likes and comments but one caught the showgirl’s attention: “There’s a smell of doping here… used well though.” Elizabeth replied to the lady that she, most likely, wanted to make a joke.

The former showgirl wrote: «No and I am very against this type of substances that are used in many gyms. They are dangerous and cause side effects such as cancer and so on so we should avoid talking about them lightly. Indeed, thank you for the inspiration you gave me to advise against these things!

The lifestyle of Elisabetta Canalis

Elisabetta Canalis he has always declared that he has a very healthy lifestyle and this would be one of his secrets for keeping himself so young and fit. In a recent interview with Diva and Donna, her boyfriend Georgian Cimpeanu (15 years younger than her) also declared: “I don’t feel the age difference, it’s as if she were 30 years old like me.”


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