Italy 24 Press News

Intermittent fasting and protein pacing: an effective mix for losing weight

A new study conducted by researchers at Arizona State University has shown that intermittent fasting combined with “protein pacing”, a diet that involves the intake of proteins evenly distributed throughout the day, could represent an effective dietary strategy for improve metabolic and intestinal health, as well as promote weight loss. The results, published in the journal Nature, suggest that this combination could be more effective than diets that only involve calorie restriction.

The study in detail

The study was conducted on 41 individuals (27 women and 14 men) who were overweight or obese over a period of eight weeks. One group followed a regimen of intermittent fasting with protein pacing, while the other was asked to follow a traditional calorie-restricted diet (based on USDA dietary recommendations). Although both groups consumed the same average number of calories per week, the first group experienced a better beneficial effect on overall health than the second. Specifically, a greater reduction in weight and overall body fat was observed in the first group, with an average loss of 8.81% of initial body weight. While the sample who followed a low-calorie diet lost an average of 5.4% of their body weight.

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The results

Specifically, the association between intermittent fasting and “protein pacing” has led to the development of a more diverse and balanced intestinal microbiome. Additionally, improving the gut microbiome has been linked not only to more significant weight loss, but also to a reduction in gastrointestinal symptoms, such as bloating and abdominal discomfort. “A healthy gut microbiome is essential for overall health, particularly in the management of obesity and metabolic diseases,” emphasized researcher Karen Sweazea. This combination of diets also increased the levels of certain proteins (cytokines) in the blood associated with weight loss, as well as amino acid byproducts that promote fat burning.


“These findings shed light on the effects that certain dietary regimens, such as intermittent fasting combined with protein pacing, may have, promising interventions for the treatment of obesity and the management of metabolic and microbiota health,” the researchers concluded. It is important to underline that this diet must be adopted only under the guidance of professionals in the sector to guarantee its effectiveness and safety.


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