Italy 24 Press News

cases in unstoppable growth, symptoms and treatment

The so-called “super gonorrhea” is raging throughout Europe with a growth trend of cases rather alarming: this is a very strain resistant to antibiotics of sexually transmitted infection, which makes continuous monitoring essential to update the guidelines in this regard. The rate at which cases are increasing is worrying: +48% from 2021 to 2022, while studies demonstrate the progressive loss of effectiveness of antibiotics in fighting the disease.

ECDC warns about super gonorrhea on the rise in Europe

To photograph the situation related to super gonorrhea is a report from ECDC, the European Center for Disease Prevention and Control.

Based on the findings of the European Gonococcal Antimicrobial Surveillance Program (Euro-Gasp), “the fundamental need for continuous monitoring to update treatment guidelines and control measures, and ensure prudent use of drugs” was highlighted.

The number of cases of super gonorrhea is growing dramatically

The numbers emerging from the monitoring, which are certainly worthy of further investigation, motivate the alarm bell.

“In 2022 they were reported 70,881 cases confirmed cases of gonorrhea in 28 countries of the European Union and the European Economic Area, with an increase of 48% compared to 2021″, underlined the ECDC.

“In 2022, in the EU/EEA, the notification rate for gonorrhea is the highest recorded since European surveillance of sexually transmitted infections began in 2009.”

The resistance of super gonorrhea to antibiotics: what the experts say about the treatment

Beyond the sheer number of cases, it is the resistence to antibiotics which is causing concern.

Out of 4,396 samples collected in 2022 from patients in 23 countries, two isolates of Neisseria gonorrhoeae resistant to ceftriaxonethe recommended antibiotic for treatment of gonorrhea.

These strains also show resistance to multiple drugs (Xdr and Mdr), further reducing treatment options. From 2021 to 2022, resistance to‘azithromycin increased from 14.2% to 25.6%, a worrying figure given that this antibiotic is often used in combination with ceftriaxone.

In the same period, resistance to ciprofloxacin it rose from 62.8% to 65.9%. Furthermore, even if resistance to cefixime is low (0.3%), monitoring is considered essential since strains resistant to cefixime And ceftriaxone are spreading internationally.

What is gonorrhea or blenorrhagia, and its symptoms

There gonorrhea is a sexually transmitted infection caused by the bacterium Neisseria gonorrhoeae.

It can affect the urethra and vaginal fluid, being transmitted via relationships sexual unprotected or unsterilized sexual objects. It is not transmitted through non-sexual contact such as kissing, hugging or through sharing objects such as towels or clothes.

THE symptoms include green or yellow vaginal or penile discharge, burning during urination, and bleeding between menstrual cycles. Treatment must be timely to prevent spread and complications.

Photo source: iStock

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