Italy 24 Press News

sanctions to local health authority directors, increase in doctors’ hourly rate by 20%

The Regions will assign to general managers some health companies goals annually on the reduction of waiting lists. Failure to achieve this may result in Suspension from the national list of directors for a period of 12 months. And for help to dispose of the appointments, the people will also be involved residents. There draft Of bill on thereduction of waiting lists which should arrive in cabinet today 4 June, also provides for a greater involvement of young doctors with roles up to 10 hours per week. Then confirm the measurements contrast to the phenomenon of token operators, with possible hiring with self-employment contracts.

Control room at the ministry

In the draft it is also expected that al ministry the national list governance system is established and a «cabin Of directionchaired by the minister” who “supervises the development of the national waiting list management plan and supervises its implementation”.

Risk of suspension of ASL directors

The Regions, however, are responsible for «the implementation of all initiatives useful to guarantee the effective provision of the performance healthcare in the context of public structures And private accredited, to ensure compliance with waiting times” as well as “of to monitor and ensure compliance with waiting times and in case of lack of respect provide for measures against the general managers of companies”. Which, as mentioned, could also risk the Suspension.

20% increase in doctors’ hourly rates

Furthermore, among the new features there would be a «increase from the rate time of 20% (especially in services that present greater needs) additional services and tax relief with separate taxation at a fixed rate of 15%” and that the Regions can allocate «resources additional for bargaining collective integration, privileging the most deficient medical specialties or those with the most difficult working conditions (allowance Of unease)”.

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